Optimize JavaScript Loading with ‘defer’ and ‘async’ Attributes

Sumit kumar Singh
Web Development with sumit
5 min readDec 17, 2023

JavaScript is a cornerstone of modern web development, allowing developers to create dynamic and interactive web pages. However, the way JavaScript is loaded can significantly impact a website’s performance. Two important attributes, ‘defer’ and ‘async’, provide developers with tools to optimize the loading process and enhance user experience.


In the realm of web development, optimizing performance is a perpetual challenge. JavaScript, being a crucial part of creating dynamic and interactive websites, plays a significant role in this optimization process. Traditionally, browsers handle JavaScript in a blocking manner, which means the rendering of a web page pauses until the JavaScript is fully loaded and executed. This can result in slower page loading times and a less than optimal user experience.

To address these issues, developers have at their disposal two attributes: ‘defer’ and ‘async’. These attributes allow developers to control how JavaScript is loaded, ensuring that it doesn’t block critical rendering processes and, in turn, improving the overall performance of a website.

Understanding ‘defer’

The ‘defer’ attribute is a valuable tool in the hands of web developers aiming to enhance the loading performance of their scripts. By default, scripts are parsed and executed synchronously, meaning they can block HTML parsing and rendering. The ‘defer’ attribute, when added to a script tag, instructs the browser to download the script asynchronously while continuing to parse the HTML. The script is then executed in order of appearance after the HTML parsing is complete.

Consider the following example:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<title>Defer Example</title>
<script defer src="script1.js"></script>
<script defer src="script2.js"></script>
<!-- Your page content goes here -->

In this example, both ‘script1.js’ and ‘script2.js’ will be downloaded asynchronously while the HTML is being parsed. However, their execution will be deferred until the HTML parsing is complete. This ensures that the scripts don’t block the rendering of the page.

Implementation of ‘defer’

When implementing the ‘defer’ attribute, there are a few key considerations:

  1. Order of Execution: Scripts with the ‘defer’ attribute are executed in the order they appear in the HTML. This is essential to maintain the correct sequence of operations, especially when scripts have dependencies on one another.
  2. DOMContentLoaded Event: The ‘defer’ attribute ensures that scripts are executed after the HTML is parsed but before the ‘DOMContentLoaded’ event. This makes it suitable for scripts that don’t rely on the DOM being fully loaded.
  3. Compatibility: Fortunately, ‘defer’ is supported in all major browsers, making it a safe choice for improving script loading performance without worrying about cross-browser issues.

Understanding ‘async’

While ‘defer’ is a powerful tool, it may not be suitable for all scenarios, especially when dealing with scripts that don’t have dependencies and can be executed independently. This is where the ‘async’ attribute comes into play.

The ‘async’ attribute, when added to a script tag, allows the browser to download the script asynchronously, similar to ‘defer’. However, the key difference lies in the execution. Scripts with the ‘async’ attribute are executed as soon as they are downloaded, regardless of whether the HTML parsing is complete.

Consider the following example:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<title>Async Example</title>
<script async src="script1.js"></script>
<script async src="script2.js"></script>
<!-- Your page content goes here -->

In this example, both ‘script1.js’ and ‘script2.js’ will be downloaded asynchronously, and their execution will commence immediately upon completion of the download, irrespective of the HTML parsing state.

Implementation of ‘async’

When implementing the ‘async’ attribute, keep the following in mind:

  1. Order of Execution: Unlike ‘defer’, scripts with ‘async’ do not necessarily execute in the order they appear. If the order is critical for your scripts, ‘async’ might not be the best choice.
  2. Event Handling: Since ‘async’ scripts don’t wait for the ‘DOMContentLoaded’ event, they may execute before the DOM is fully parsed. Ensure that the script doesn’t rely on a fully constructed DOM.
  3. Third-Party Scripts:async’ is often used for third-party scripts, like analytics or ads, where loading speed is crucial and dependencies are minimal.

Choosing Between ‘defer’ and ‘async’

The choice between ‘defer’ and ‘async’ depends on the specific requirements of the script and its dependencies:

  1. Use ‘defer’ when:
  • The script relies on the DOM being fully loaded.
  • Script order is important due to dependencies.

2. Use ‘async’ when:

  • The script is independent and doesn’t rely on other scripts or the DOM being fully loaded.
  • Loading speed is critical, especially for third-party scripts.

It’s important to note that a combination of ‘defer’ and ‘async’ can also be used in some scenarios. For example, you might use ‘defer’ for core scripts with dependencies and ‘async’ for non-essential scripts that can be loaded independently.

Best Practices

To further optimize the loading of JavaScript, consider the following best practices:

  1. Combine ‘defer’ and ‘async’: In more complex scenarios, combining ‘defer’ and ‘async’ might be beneficial. For example, use ‘defer’ for core scripts with dependencies and ‘async’ for non-essential scripts.
  2. Place Scripts at the End: Whenever possible, place scripts at the end of the HTML, just before the closing </body> tag. This allows other critical resources to load first, improving the perceived performance of your web page.
  3. Asynchronous Module Definition (AMD): For more complex applications, consider using Asynchronous Module Definition (AMD), a modular script loader that allows for efficient loading of modules on demand.


In conclusion, the ‘defer’ and ‘async’ attributes are powerful tools that enable web developers to optimize the loading of JavaScript resources and enhance the overall performance of their websites. By strategically using these attributes, developers can strike a balance between script execution and page rendering, providing users with faster and more responsive experiences.

Understanding the differences between ‘defer’ and ‘async’ is crucial for making informed decisions based on the specific requirements of each script. Whether it’s ensuring the correct order of script execution with ‘defer’ or prioritizing loading speed with ‘async’, these attributes offer flexibility and control over the loading process.

As the web development landscape continues to evolve, optimizing the loading of JavaScript resources remains a critical aspect of delivering high-performance web applications. By incorporating ‘defer’ and ‘async’ into your development practices, you can contribute to creating web experiences that are not only feature-rich but also responsive and efficient.



Sumit kumar Singh
Web Development with sumit

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