Top Free eBooks for Web Designers & Web Developers

Bradley Nice
Web Development Zone
7 min readApr 7, 2018

by Bradley Nice, Content Manager at — help authoring tool

Web design and web development are the niches that are extremely popular nowadays. But technology changes very fast and in order to keep pace with it, one needs to constantly grow and develop as a professional. Free eBooks offer a great way to do that.

In this post, I’ve gathered a list of free eBooks about HTML, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Wordpress and many more. Please, enjoy!

HTML5 Canvas

The second edition of HTML5 Canvas is geared towards a wide range of developers, from those who have never seen a Canvas to those who want to learn some intermediate-to-advanced ways to make use of the Canvas.

Every chapter has been revised with updated code and optimizations, as well as updates to address browser compatibility and other issues that have arisen over the past two years. The free online version includes 53 interactive examples and exercises.

20 Things I Learned About Browsers and the Web

“20 Things I Learned About Browsers and the Web” is a short guide for anyone who’s curious about the basics of browsers and the web. Here’s what you’ll find here:

First we’ll look at the Internet, the very backbone that allows the web to exist. We’ll also take a look at how the web is used today, through cloud computing and web apps.

Then, we’ll introduce the building blocks of web pages like HTML and JavaScript, and review how their invention and evolution have changed the websites you visit every day. We’ll also take a look at the modern browser and how it helps users browse the web more safely and securely.

Finally, we’ll look ahead to the exciting innovations in browsers and web technologies that we believe will give us all even faster and more immersive online experiences in the future.

Adaptive Web Design

This isn’t just another web design book. It’s an essential and missing piece of the canon. Our industry has long needed a compendium of best practices in adaptive, standards-based design. And with the rise of mobile, the recent significant improvements in desktop and phone browsers, and the new capabilities that come with HTML5, CSS3, and gestural interfaces, it is even more vital that we who make websites have a reliable resource that tells us how to take advantage of these new capabilities while creating content that works in browsers and devices of all sizes and widely differing capabilities. This book is that resource. (Adaptive Web Design by Aaron Gustafson, Foreword)

A Guide to HTML5 & CSS3

A Guide to HTML5 and CSS3 covers the basics of web development and it’s a great starting point whether your plan is to make websites, HTML5 mobile apps or games.

Eloquent JavaScript

Besides explaining JavaScript, I also will introduce the basic principles of programming…

If you are new to programming, there will be a lot of new material to digest. (Eloquent JavaScript by Marijn Haverbeke, Introduction)

Speaking JavaScript

Who this book is for

This book has been written for programmers, by a programmer. So, in order to understand it, you should already know object-oriented programming, for example, via a mainstream programming language such as Java, PHP, C++, Python, Ruby, Objective-C, C#, or Perl…

How this book is organized

This book is divided into four parts, but the main two are:

JavaScript Quick Start

JavaScript in Depth

These parts are completely independent! You can treat them as if they were separate books: the former is more like a guide, the latter is more like a reference. (Speaking JavaScript by Dr. Axel Rauschmayer, Preface)

Learning JavaScript Design Patterns

Written by Addy Osmani, Learning JavaScript Design Patterns will show you how to write beautiful, structured, and maintainable JavaScript by applying classical and modern design patterns to the language. This book is targeted at professional developers wishing to improve their knowledge of design patterns and how they can be applied to the JavaScript programming.

Programming JavaScript Applications

This book is for developers familiar with JavaScript; at least a year or two working frequently with the language, but who want to learn more about how you can apply it specifically to developing robust web-scale or enterprise applications.

The following topics are covered:

  • JavaScript features and best practices for application developers
  • Code organization, modularity, and reuse
  • Separation of concerns on the client side (MVC, etc.)
  • Communicating with servers and APIs
  • Designing and programming RESTful APIs with Node.js
  • Building, testing, collaboration, deployment, and scaling
  • Expanding reach via internationalization

You Don’t Know JS (book series)

You Don’t Know JS is a series of books diving deep into the core mechanisms of the JavaScript language. The first edition of the series is now complete.

The Guide to Usability Testing (PDF)

The free e-book includes:

  • Best practices from companies like Apple, MailChimp, Yahoo, DirecTV, Buffer, and more.
  • Practical explanations and tips for 20 usability testing methods including hallway testing, card sorting, moderated & unmoderated testing, and much more.
  • Advice from usability experts like Jakob Nielsen, Jeff Sauro, Dr. David Travis, and others.
  • Define your hypothesis, pick several quantitative and qualitative methods, and get ready to go out of your comfort zone. Check out the e-book, and feel free to share if you find it helpful.

Web UI Best Practices (PDF)

The 109-page guide includes:

  • Advice from experts such as Luke Wroblewski, Jared Spool, Jakob Nielsen, Marcin Treder, and many others.
  • In-depth discussion and practical tips for UI elements such as color, contrast, spacing, navigation, typography, input controls, and more.
  • Explanation of preliminary steps such as creating user personas, prioritizing requirements, and creating visual hierarchies.

The Guide to UX Design Process & Documentation (PDF)

The 132-page guide answers questions such as:

  • How do I build documentation into the design?
  • What design processes are suitable for startups and enterprises?
  • How can I draw insights from previous iterations to plan for future designs?
  • When do I know a design is good enough for launch?

The Guide to Mockups (PDF)

This free e-book features:

  • Best practices for creating mockups in SketchApp & Photoshop.
  • Practical advice from Marcin Treder, Luke Wroblewski, Ash Maurya, and other product design experts.
  • Explanations of mockup fidelities, anatomies, and methods of creation.
  • Analysis of different design processes for creating mockups based on our own experience and those of Fortune 500 companies.

Locking Down WordPress

In Locking Down WordPress, WordPress pros Rachel Baker, Brad Williams, and John Ford take you through everything you need to know to make sure you have WordPress security is under control.

WordPress Meet Responsive Design

In WordPress Meet Responsive Design, Chris Coyier, Ian Stewart and Sara Cannon give you the lowdown on their real world uses and strategies for designing WordPress responsively.

Do you know any other free ebooks about wevdev and web design? Please, share in the comments below and I’ll add them to the list!

Have a nice day!

Bradley Nice,
Content Manager at — best online documentation tool for SaaS vendors



Bradley Nice
Web Development Zone

Content Manager at 👈. I write about web design, web development and technical writing. Follow me on Twitter and Facebook