Why LinkedIn Automation Is A Must For Recruiters

Web Leads Master
Web Leads Master


Every recruiter knows how challenging is competing for the top talent on LinkedIn, let alone the time that it takes to reach out to multiple passive candidates and get their attention.

This is when LinkedIn automation tools kick in. But are they really worth it? Let’s figure this out by doing simple math first.

For starters, how long does it typically take to send out a connection request to 1 potential candidate? The average number is 1 minute, given that you haven’t done the exact search on LinkedIn, but there is an approximate list of criteria for each of your vacancies.

The daily limit in terms of connection requests that you’re are able to send out is about 90 profiles (this number reduces the risk of commercial limit). 90 minutes a day is 1 hour and a half, now multiply that by 5 working days and you get 7,5 hours a week.

That’s insane, right?

So, it is literally 1 working day that you spend by simply sending out connection requests and hunting top talent. You can definitely allocate that time for something better, interviews, or pre-scoring for example.

And that was only the tip of an iceberg. How about direct messages? Yes, they take a lot of your precious time too.

The times we live in make it possible to automate all the mundane processes in a blink of an eye. Look how many tools are out there, Web Leads Master is one of the examples.

What does it really take to automate your LinkedIn recruiting workflow? Not much.

Only a couple of your minutes to get acquainted with a platform that does all that on autopilot.

The whole recruiting agencies are now using similar tools to stay effective and efficient. Using such tools gives you a powerful edge against your competitors that are looking for the same talents in the same pool.

So why limit yourself and spend time on something that can be done by a script that doesn’t even involve risk? Furthermore, LinkedIn automation platforms prevent you from getting into the trap of “commercial limits” that LinkedIn has implemented a while ago.

By posting a vacancy with a funny profession-related picture or video you increase the chances of people getting interested in the vacancy after your outreach. How come?

It’s quite simple. You basically show how active you’re on that social network and as you may know, fast responses and feedbacks are super important for your candidates. But this is only one of the factors. At the end of the day, it’s all about interesting and funny content.

To wrap up, LinkedIn is a powerful recruiting platform and automation tools are equally important if you really want to get yourself out there in front of the job seekers and be successful.

Focus on important and creative tasks, offload the mundane, and manual work.

This is the future, go for it!



Web Leads Master
Web Leads Master

We’re a technology company on a mission to upscale and enhance all your LinkedIn workflow processes.