13 Ways To Turn Your Website Visitors Into Customers

Web N App Team
Web N App
Published in
3 min readJan 9, 2017

1. Don’t Worry, Get Tested!

You’ve heard the saying before yes? The same can be true in online marketing and website design. Big corporations have expensive focus groups and consultants to discover effective marketing tactics. Even though you may not be Google or Netflix (yet), you can still use A/B testing to find the best possible approach for your website. The way A/B testing works is, it automatically divides your website traffic in half. One population of visitors sees one version of the site and the other group sees the alternate version. Based on sales, you can get a glimpse of what approach works best and adjust accordingly.

2. Value propositions should be windows, not walls.

Essentially, A value proposition is your pitch for why a customer should buy from you instead of a competitor and “what’s in it for them” if they do. Your value proposition should be like a window. The more clear, the better. The harder it is to understand, the more likely you are to lose valuable sales.

3. Follow the yellow brick website.

In order to turn website views into sales, it is imperative that you have an effective sales funnel. This means that you use marketing, demos, and trials to breed interest and awareness, which in turn creates sales. Make sure that all of the steps of your marketing plan are pointing in the same linear direction towards one ultimate goal. Spend your money with us. Today.

4. No dictionaries necessary.

Cut the Jargon will ya? Unless your website visitors are experts in the field, you could risk coming off as pretentious and disengaging potential customers. Your website should contain commonly used language.

5. Don’t put wind in their sails…

By addressing competitive objections with your website and company right away, you disarm critics. This demonstrates to your customers that you have heard what rivals say about you and it doesn’t matter.

6. Trust. Fund.

Trust in your company in brand is essential. Once customers and online visitors trust you and realize that your business is credible and honest, sales are sure to follow. There are a variety of different ways to do this. For starters, you can cite your sources and show visitors where your information comes from.

7. Click. Click. Done.

Buying products and spending money on your website should be by far the EASIEST part of the process. We don’t recommend bombarding the customer with banners and “buy now” buttons, but make sure their path from arriving on the website to checking out is a short and simple one.

8. If ya got it, flaunt it!

We’re sure that your company has a lot of value and competitive advantage to offer. This shouldn’t be a well-kept secret! Make sure you demonstrate and brag about how great your company is. Everyone else does.

9. Beep, Beep, back it up!

Back up your claims. Please, by all means make the most ambitious and impressive claims possible on your website. Just make sure you can back them up with hard evidence like primary sources, testimonials or studies.

10. Cut through the clutter

This point is crucial. Make sure your customers focus on a single action. Don’t distract them or wear their attention thin with competing claims. Make sure that when they arrive at your website, they are there for one specific purpose.

11. Everybody compares…

Before your customer has a chance to think “well maybe this other brand did it better”, you need to debunk this concern. Without being rude, make sure your website draws the original comparison between your company and competing brands. Oh and uh, make sure you let them know that you are better.

12. Airbags are a must!

Similar to a car, your website must remove or reduce risk to put the customer’s mind at ease. By advertising powerful warranties or “… or it’s free” deals, you can reassure them that their purchase is safe and logical.

13. Make sure the clock is ticking. Loudly.

Convincing the customer that there is a sense of urgency can be a great sales tactic. Prove to them that by acting now, they are getting a good deal or just barely acted in time to guarantee their purchase. You can do this by saying how many objects are left (low number) or using a timer with a small amount of time remaining.

Originally published at Web N App.



Web N App Team
Web N App

Web N App specializes in developing highly scalable and secure apps for web and mobile platforms.