August 2023


Richard McLean
Web of Weeknotes


Hi, welcome to my MonthNotes — reflective notes looking back over the past month, loosely based on a set of questions which help me reflect.

1. What went well?

Every day is a good day.” Unmon

2. What else went well?

  • The kick off meeting for a new community for people with some responsibility or interest in communications in our business unit (HT Lisa Pantelli)

3. What made you proud?

Fore more than two decades, Elsevier has combined AI and analytics with our trusted, quality content and data to deliver insights for our customers. So, of course, we’ve been exploring how to responsibly harness generative AI as a way to continue to help our customers solve problems.

Scopus AI provides concise, trustworthy AI-based summaries of queries.
I did a bit of testing on the new tool ahead of the launch and straight away loved it. It’s a great way to get up to speed quickly on a topic. I got really useful summary information in response to my queries. I also like that everything is referenced to trusted Scopus data, as well as the ability to read the abstracts of the references. The team did amazing work at speed.

4. Who or what inspired you?

  • Scott Thorton
  • Mu

“It is almost banal to say so yet it needs to be stressed continually: all is creation, all is change, all is flux, all is metamorphosis.” Henry Miller

5. What did you do that helped someone?

  • I got some lovely feedback from a coachee I’m working with on public speaking, who said how much the somatic/body-based approach to coaching that we’ve been following together has helped her.
  • A former colleague who I enjoyed working with reached out for some advice/ideas on product maturity models. I enjoyed seeing him again, and he said our conversation helped kick start his thinking.
  • A colleague who has just changed job asked me for some advice on their new role.
  • I signed up to be a mentor on our Proud to Be RELX mentoring program and our Product Excellence mentoring programme.

6. What did you learn?

7. What did you get reminded of?

  • rands’ framework of organics and mechanics for discussing/understanding how people differ in the amount of structure they like (HT Linus Flink). I’d forgotten this model, even though I’d used it to self-assess myself (see #8 in here).

8. What poems touched you?

“The earth is all before me. With a heart
Joyous, nor scared at its own liberty,
I look about; and should the chosen guide
Be nothing better than a wandering cloud,
I cannot miss my way.”

9. What books did you read?

10. What was fun?

  • Camping with friends
  • Ten-pin bowling

11. What did you enjoy?

12. What are you looking forward to in September?



Chief of staff @ElsevierConnect (Academic & Government group). Mainly writing about getting from A to B, teams, & digital product stuff. Personal account.