What is a BFF? And how to build one?

Albert Starreveld
The Web Application Security Hub
5 min readJun 23, 2022


Who wants to build a monolith nowadays? Microservices are the way to go! But that’s no cheap alternative. It introduces all sorts of complexity. For example: Assume having several user-interface agnostic microservices, how “chatty” will your SPA or mobile app become?

General-purpose APIs might require consumers of APIs to aggregate and filter the responses of various endpoints to render something useful to the end-user.

And how will an architecture of multiple micro-frontends connected to a series of microservices impact maintenance? The promise of microservices is that they will make your application more agile. Create a new microservice as you please and tear one down when need be. But how will this impact the front end?

So, to solve that problem, yet another pattern occurred: The Backend For Frontend. The concept is what you might expect: One backend for every frontend that will act as an interface between a frontend app (SPA/Mobile) and the domain services. It’s an API that queries downstream services and transforms the response(s) to one single response formatted specifically for one specific front end. Schematically, BFFs in a microservice landscape might look somewhat like this:

A BFF + Microservices architecture

The BFF concept was first introduced at SoundCloud.

BFF, authentication, and the…



Albert Starreveld
The Web Application Security Hub

Passionate about cloud native software development. Only by sharing knowledge and code we can take software development to the next level!