Notes from #WebSummit: Change is coming

Mark Hurd in conversation

Neha Thanki
Web Summelier
2 min readNov 8, 2017


Date: November 7, 2017
Time: 14:00
Conference stream: Centre Stage

Mark Hurd, CEO, Oracle, @markhurd
Kara Swisher, Executive Editor, Recode, @karaswisher

Web Summit Summary
The head of one of the biggest enterprise companies in the world together with one of the most fearless tech journalists.

Main Theme

Kara Swisher grilled Mark Hurd about large, entrenched enterprises and approach to change and what he believes is next.

The Key Quote

“Security won’t be taken seriously until we have a large scale event. The 9/11 of data.”
- Mark Hurd, speaking on data security.

Key Points

  1. Inertia is the root cause of problems faced by successful companies .Re-invention and self-cannibalization are necessary for innovation. While especially unpopular with enterprise customers, it is necessary for positive change.
  2. It’s easier to lead a company or team that’s in trouble because everyone understands that things need to change and expect them to do so. Be prepared to push harder for change when things are going well.
  3. User interfaces are expected to change dramatically in the next five years with enterprise apps integrating with AI in the same vein as consumer apps.

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Neha Thanki
Web Summelier

Enterprise Product Manager @TWG. Loves software, cats, big-hearted humans, and international chip flavours.