Grants for projects to explore the web we want

Start a project

monique de haas
Web We Want


The Web We Want is extending the Web 25 Year of Action grants deadline to 9 May, 2014. The call is now open for applications in Spanish, Portuguese, and French.

We’re looking for imaginative, fun ways to celebrate the Web’s birthday and engage ordinary people in creating a shared vision of the web we want.

We encourage you to explore ways of working with youth, popular
culture, the arts, alternative and mainstream media, hackers ? the only limit is your own creativity.

Grants range from $1000 to $5000 and the majority of funding will go to the Global South.

For more information, visit:



monique de haas
Web We Want

genius-ignorant, lover-hater, guilty-innocent, pretty woman-nasty bitch, expert-beginner, angel-demon, mother-once daughter