Python….. Your fast pass to Web3 Development

Jonathan Rivera
Web Zero
Published in
3 min readJul 20, 2022
Photo by Artturi Jalli on Unsplash

So why is Python one of the most popular languages in the whole world of programming? Is it because if its versatility, power, or maybe just that’s its generally easy to read language. Everything from Web development, to its front end and backend. As well as machine learning, Python can do it all.

Everything from it syntax to defining code blocks, it is the popular opinion that python is generally easier to read and define functions.

That being said… why Python for web3 development ?

First thing we have to talk about are smart contracts. While Ethereum is the most build upon Blockchain, it uses a programming language that is very similar to the python syntax called Solidity.
Solidity is still the programming language most used to create these smart contracts. Now because solidity is heavily based upon object oriented languages like Python, by knowing one you will practically have the advantage in knowing the other.

Here you can check out the solidity documentation to see for yourself.

What’s also great about Python is that you can go beyond Ethereum. By the knowledge you have, you can start creating smart contracts on other ecosystems without learning their new language. Let me show you.

PyTeal for Algorand

A great example of this concept of Python for other protocols, let me introduce you to PyTeal.

What is Pyteal? Python library created by Algorand to make creating smart contracts easier. With Pyeal, you’re generating the Algorand programming language called Teal. You can write a program in Python and it’ll be compiled to Teal. Teal that gets created can be used with SDK’s. PyTeal is getting updated frequently and always adding new features like Looping and subroutines for writing those smart contracts.

Here are the PyTeal Docs for reference:

By creating your smart contract with PyTeal, you can now have it interact with your DApps that you create. Algorand has the tool that is used to go hand in hand with PyTeal called Reach. With Reach, you can create Dapps with a compiler that can output to any chain. A cross blockchain deployment and development tool. As shown below:

For more reference on Reach:

This was just one example of the many benefits of having a Python fundamental. As Web3 becomes more and more built, we will start to see the mass migration of Web2 developers come onto Blockchain. Python will be the tool that will set apart these new developers from the rest. You as a developer will have a foot in the door by having this object oriented fundamental that is Python. More and more chains have welcoming onboarding tools like PyTeal to compile from already known languages. The future defi and decentralized data is being built today and Python will be your gateway into more tools and innovations. Welcome fellow web2 builder, Harness these skills. Learn and learn more. Build create and learn again.

