Universal Digital Identity is here. Intro to AIKON

Jonathan Rivera
Web Zero
Published in
3 min readJul 28, 2022
Photo by Rahul Chakraborty on Unsplash

Web3 has been revolutionizing the world everyday. From fintech, to biotech, to how we search the web, and even how we evaluate credit. Even since the beginning of 2022, we’ve seen web3 take on some of our biggest problems. and counting. Web3 isn’t going anywhere, its definitely here to stay. Its interesting how we still go throughout our day with the traditional way things are done, and we still encounter so may aspects of our loves that can simplified with web3. Just the other day, I was going through the airport security. I had to present my passport and my ticket, then I had to go to another line to do additional security and present the same form of ID…. twice. What if we could have a way to have a digital ID, maybe even through blockchain. What if we could have a form of self sovereign identity to verify who we are more securely. What if identity was digitalized and tokenized. What if we could use a single login and use it several times without having to keep verifying? What if we could use it with our social logins? Well, we actually can today.

Introducing AIKON

Thanks to the AIKON and Alogrand, we can use a cross chain identity and wallet to safely digitally identity. AIKON has created a platform called ORE-ID, a single sign on identification that works cross chain as soon as you sign in. So essentially you could use a decentralized blockchain account everytime you login into your Google accounts, Github, LinkedIn, Twitter or Twitch. One could login without using plug ins or wallet apps. The private key is encrypted with a self chosen pin than stored in the cloud with the web, IOS, and Android. So… how is this done? ORE-ID has an open source library supporting any Blockchain as well as an API library. Easy to integrate ORE-ID and most popular wallet.

How to start using ORE-ID

Use this repo to clone to your local machine:

git clone https://github.com/TeamAikon/oreid.git

Use this npm install or yarn:

cd examples/react/tutorial/step1-login

yarn start


npm install
npm run start

For example, if using JavaScript, install following npm module:

npm install oreid-js

Then you import oreid-js and declare options

import { OreId } from 'oreid-js';
import { WebPopup } from "oreid-webpopup";
const oreIdOptions: OreIdOptions = {
appName: "My Amazing App",
appId: "t_fb2b....b6f7",
plugins: { popup: WebPopup() }

For example, if wanting to use Google, call login and specify provider

// launch the login flow
await oreId.popup.auth({ provider: 'google' })
const userData = await oreid.auth.user.getData()
console.log(`Hello ${userData.name}`)
console.log(`Your blockchain accounts are: ${userData.chainAccounts}`)

You will need to specify the blockchain you will want to use. For example, if you’d use eth_main

// sign a blockchain transaction
const transaction = await oreId.createTransaction({
transaction: { from, to, value, ... }, // blockchain transaction (differs by chainNetwork)
chainAccount: '0x...',
chainNetwork: 'eth_ropsten',

// have the user approve signature
const { transactionId } = await oreId.popup.sign({ transaction })

So after the login, the app will receive the blockchain accounts saving your info automatically and then restored next time you login. For example, with an Ethereum wallet like Metamask.

Please refer to Ore-ID github and refer to homepage for more details https://aikon.com/ore-id/

A great way to use blockchain identification and security without needing to write a smart contract or deploy code to use Ore-ID. AIKON and Algorand have partnered to create this digital identification to login to applications, arising the question… what else could we use digital decentralized identify for? Could one day we use digital ID to go thru the airport security quicker and just once? Could we use it to self sovereign register to vote in our local elections? What about (or should we just start asking)…. when?

