NOT a Bootcamp

So this is a statement we make often. We are NOT a bootcamp. Nothing against Bootcamps at all. The bootcamp model is an excellent program that is integral to the developer education continuum.

More on this concept of a continuum is forthcoming. But to the current point, a bootcamp connotates a fast, run through to get people up to speed and “in shape” to do deeper, more hands on exploration and building. That objective destination purpose essentially prepares for a WBA Cohort.

We do move fast- but never at the expense of depth, of learning, of questioning EVERYTHING. Always seeking a better way. A safer, more secure, and efficient model. Then we question that. The gift and the curse of Web3 development is the speed of innovation. We stay at the leading edge of it.

For example:

Anchor drops new token interface to include both token and token2022 functionality? We integrate it into our next session.

This is the way. This is deep, innovative, leader-building masters-level education. This is our philosophy.

And we build- from day 0, we are having our builders write and ship code — ON CHAIN. The prerequisites to get into the course require writing scripts to interact with the Solana blockchain.

We mint, build vaults, design updated escrow models- in session and live. We have builders declare their capstones early (these are the unique projects each graduate must ship to devnet in order to achieve certification). We do so to make the concepts stickier- attaching what is being built to a personal use case has tremendous power.

And when we finish the builder cohort, and certify those who have achieved this level, we offer a next step- the Artisan Cohort. This cohort is more PhD model. It is more independent, yet team focused. It requires the learned hard-core programming skills with organizational structure, developer team best practices, and while the teams build mostly independently, we are always there to guide, support and show how to be better. We do this daily.

We are not a bootcamp. We are a professional development institute. We are a PhD Lab for innovation. We are WBA.

