Deploy your First Ethereum Smart Contract with Remix and Alchemy

Directly from your browser!

Thomas Guibert
Web3 Magazine


Photo by Michael Förtsch on Unsplash

Heard about Ethereum smart contracts before and would like to build your own but you don’t really know how to get started?

This tutorial is made for you. Together, we’re gonna go through the creation and deployment of your very first smart contract to the Ethereum Blockchain.

To follow this tutorial, you only need a web browser and Metamask. There will be nothing to set up in your local environment. In fact, we will be using the web version of the Remix IDE, to write, test, and deploy our smart contract.

Disclaimer: This tutorial won’t focus at all on how the blockchain works, what can be achieved with a smart contract, and how to make it gas efficient. Those are separate (but nonetheless important) topics. The goal here is to cover the steps from writing to deploying your smart contract.

First of all, here is a very short definition of a smart contract, as described by the website:

“A smart contract is a program that runs on the Ethereum blockchain. It’s a collection of code (its functions) and data (its state) that resides at a specific address on the Ethereum blockchain.”



Thomas Guibert
Web3 Magazine

Frontend engineer by day, ☀️ Aspiring Solidity engineer by night! 🌝 — Read more from me: