Ethernaut Challenge — Level 10: Re-entrancy

Untrusted contracts can execute code where you least expect it

Thomas Guibert
Web3 Magazine


Ethernaut–Level 10

Welcome to the 10th level of Ethernaut: Re-entrancy.
This article is part of my Ethernaut Challenge series, in which we go through the 26 levels of the Ethernaut security puzzles together and learn about security and Solidity along the way!

Here is a quick link to the first article if you want to start this game:

Level 10— Re-entrancy

Here is the objective:

• Steal all the funds in this contract

As for the previous and future articles of this series, take the time to read the contract, and requirements and try to find the solution by yourself before reading the walkthrough below!




Thomas Guibert
Web3 Magazine

Frontend engineer by day, ☀️ Aspiring Solidity engineer by night! 🌝 — Read more from me: