How Companies Are Sneakily Improving UX & Doubling Their Growth

The Web3 Startup Secret

Andre Costa
Web3 Magazine
5 min readMar 25, 2023


Go to, and click through it a bit… what would you say if I told you it is a Web3 company, that it has Blockchain-based tech?

“That’s Impossible!”
“There is no wallet connection”
“I can’t find the words Crypto, NFT, Blockchain, or Web3 anywhere on the page!”

These are a few examples of reactions I have gotten.

Why is this important? Because it exemplifies what could be the missing piece to mass Web3 adoption, a seamless user experience that is only achieved through making Blockchain invisible.

If you are building a Web3 company, this could truly be a game-changer. A small perspective shift that can
-Expand a User Base 30x
-Increase Engagement & Conversions
-Get you ahead of the competition

Now, let’s dive in.

History Doesn’t Repeat Itself, But It Rhymes:

Once upon a time, there was a new technology called the internet, and it had the potential to change the world. However, in the early days, the user experience was clunky and confusing, which made it difficult for people to understand and use it regularly. Many gave up on the internet altogether because it was too complicated.

Fast forward to today, and we have a similar situation with Web3 technology. While the potential is incredible, the user experience is all too often complex and intimidating, making it challenging for the average joe to use it regularly. To really make strides and become the technology of the future, Web3 needs to be simple enough that even your grandma could use it.

Just take a look at this image, ring any bell?

One example of this transformation in action is the evolution of email. In the early days of the internet, sending and receiving emails required technical expertise and a lot of manual configuration. However, as the technology improved and UX/UI design became more intuitive, email became more accessible to the general public. Now, nearly everyone uses email on a daily basis without even thinking twice about it.

Some Web3 companies have begun to figure this out, like Sorare, offering an intuitive user flow that just feels natural. Nobody wants to have to open a new tab and search “How to use X?” on Google.

First Impressions Matter:

Let’s face it — when people hear the terms Web3, NFTs, or Crypto, they automatically mistrust it.

Are these stigmas warranted? Maybe not, but if avoiding certain terms could increase the chances of project success, why not do it?

Take Reddit for example, they sold thousands of “Collectable Avatars”, sparking a viral wave. Users absolutely loved them… that is until they made it public that they were actually NFTs. Die-hard buyers of the Avatars switched their stance completely, simply because of 3 letters, N-F-T.

Problem-Solving Over Blockchain Buzzwords:

I am tired of hearing about Web3, NFTs, and crypto-based products without understanding the real-world problems they solve.

Many companies make the mistake of focusing on the technology itself rather than the value it provides. But why should being built on Blockchain or having NFTs be the sole reason to purchase a product? The focus should be on how the product can improve a person’s life or solve a problem they are facing.

Technology is just a tool, and it’s how we use it that really matters.

This is where starting with the problem, not the technology, becomes crucial. Blockchain, Web3, and NFTs can be powerful tools to solve various problems, but they are not the solution in and of themselves.

This is an essential principle to have in mind when building whatever product, but primarily in Web3 — it ensures that companies are not just jumping on the latest trend but are instead creating products that meet actual needs.

If you think this is your case, take a step back and readjust, nobody gets it right the first time.

The Best Tools:

Around 6 months ago I came across a company that was stressing this very concept — “Making Web3 Accessible To Everyone”. At that time, I was a die-hard crypto degen, and could not imagine a world where somebody didn’t have to understand Blockchain to actually use a DApp.

But this startup, Crossmint, has since made huge leaps of progress & pushed this new wave in the Web3 world. Ultimately, I was forced to broaden my viewpoint and truly analyze.

Get this, I now consider Crossmint to be the best representation of the future of Web3. How is that for a paradigm shift?

The true turning point came after reading the following:
“How will Web3 ever reach mass adoption if a user needs to set up a Crypto Wallet, send funds from their Bank to a CEX, buy tokens on the CEX, send them to their External Wallet, and then interact with a DApp”.

It seems overly complex but as a crypto-native user, I hadn’t stopped to think about this often, if even at all.

Our Clients:

We’ve recently seen a surge in growth, users, and revenue for platforms that prioritize having an extremely simple and widely accessible user interface and experience.

As we offer boutique Development & Consultation services, we decided to spend dozens of hours studying and investigating these new trends & tools.

The findings have not only allowed us to provide top-tier insights to our clients over the past months but also solidified the idea that the companies that are at the forefront of innovation are the ones that end up succeeding.

This has ultimately made one of our main focuses and areas of work, consulting + designing + developing the ecosystem for these Dapps, NFT Collections, Token Launches, and Startups to become the A players in the space.

You Now Have The Knowledge To Unlock The Potential Of Your Web3 Startup!

Having these main principles & foundational pillars in place, a Web3 project is due to take their revenue, engagement, and users to the next level. And if you don’t want countless hours of struggles and challenges to hold you back, let our team at Terratecc fast-track your Web3 project — Click here to book a FREE discovery call!

Building in Web3 means building the future, you are early!
Good Luck!



Andre Costa
Web3 Magazine

Founder @ Terratecc | Building the best Blockchain & Web3 Brands.