Write for Web3 Magazine

Thomas Guibert
Web3 Magazine
Published in
2 min readJun 12, 2022
Photo by Nihon Graphy on Unsplash


Web3 Magazine is on a mission to provide quality content to anyone wanting to know more about the transformative potential of Web3.

We’re looking for writers!

Here is a non-exhaustive list of the topics that we would like to address:

  • Ethereum & Solidity
  • Front-end tools and libraries
  • Hot & Cold wallets
  • Web3 providers
  • Defi, economy
  • Security

Experienced writer or beginner? There is no pre-requisite to writing with us. As long as the content you’re writing about is interesting, we’re interested!

How to start writing with us:

You can contact me at any time on this email: web3.magazine.medium[at]gmail.com

Send me a draft link to the piece you would like to publish in Web3 Magazine and I’ll be back to you as fast as possible! You don’t need to write a long message, I would rather read one of your drafts!

ℹ️ The above e-mail is spammed by bots, please do everything you can to make your message look like it was written by a human.
Add a joke, what the weather look like where you live, or something else :)

If you get no answer after a few days, and you’re a real human, please send another e-mail.

I hope to read from you very soon!

Thomas — Web3 Magazine



Thomas Guibert
Web3 Magazine

Frontend engineer by day, ☀️ Aspiring Solidity engineer by night! 🌝 — Read more from me: https://medium.com/@th.guibert/membership