Cardano Node 9.0: A Giant Leap Towards Decentralization

Unlocking the Future with Cardano Node 9.0: A Major Milestone for Blockchain Decentralization 🚀

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Cardano Node 9.0: Pioneering Blockchain Decentralization and Reshaping the Future

🚀 Cardano Node 9.0 is set to launch in June.
💡 The update prepares the platform for the Chang fork.
🌍 Cardano will transition to full decentralization once 70% of SPOs adopt the new node.
👑 Hoskinson calls it the most significant event in Cardano’s history.
🔍 Hoskinson criticizes the media’s perception versus Cardano’s actual progress.
📈 Cardano’s growth is supported by innovations like Hydra.
💬 The Cardano community supports an initiative for fair and unbiased media reporting.

Cardano Node 9.0, scheduled for a June launch, is gearing up the blockchain platform for the highly anticipated Chang fork. Charles Hoskinson, the visionary founder of Cardano, recently announced this pivotal update, heralding a new era for the network.

Cardano Node 9.0: A Giant Leap Towards Decentralization

Hoskinson revealed that the hard fork will activate once 70% of the Stake Pool Operators (SPOs) have adopted the new node. This advancement will propel Cardano into the Voltaire era, symbolizing full decentralization — a monumental achievement for the network and the broader blockchain industry. Hoskinson hailed it as the most significant event in Cardano’s history.

Reflecting on the journey of the past decade, Hoskinson likened building Cardano to constructing a nation. He expressed pride in the community and optimism for the future, believing that Cardano will offer hope for the industry and the world. Hoskinson encouraged everyone to contribute to making a substantial impact in the next decade.

Despite Cardano’s remarkable progress, Hoskinson criticized the cryptocurrency media for failing to acknowledge its advancements. He emphasized that Cardano is on the cusp of its most significant hard fork, experiencing rapid growth in community-developed decentralized applications (DApps), and leading the industry in scaling research and development.

The Cardano ecosystem is rapidly expanding, with technologies like Hydra maturing and adding more capabilities to the network. Partner chains like Midnight and Prism are enhancing the ecosystem, while community-driven initiatives like Project Catalyst are fostering innovation. Hoskinson highlighted the upcoming constitutional convention in Argentina as a significant event for the community.

In a bid to ensure fair reporting across the industry, Hoskinson proposed funding a not-for-profit media DAO through the Cardano Treasury. The poll conducted on this matter received overwhelming support, with nearly 70% in favor of the initiative.

Cardano’s future looks promising, with Node 9.0 paving the way for a decentralized civilization spanning the globe. With advanced governance systems, annual budgets, a treasury, and the collective wisdom of its community, Cardano is poised to make a substantial impact on real-world economic, political, and social issues.

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