Efficient Data Handling: A Guide to Storage Types in Solidity for Ethereum

Oluwakemi Atoyebi
Web3 Writers Guild
Published in
4 min readApr 2, 2024
Photo by Claudio Schwarz on Unsplash

Understanding storage types in Solidity for Ethereum smart contracts is crucial, much like acknowledging the pivotal role of storage systems in our daily lives. Programming requires efficient data storage and manipulation techniques just as we store belongings until we need to use them.

Data locations in Solidity include various methods and locations used to store and manage data within smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain. Your choices in data storage impact code organization, cost-effectiveness, and overall contract performance, demonstrating your grasp of how the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) handles variables and data.

Depending on their usage, data can be stored temporarily or permanently in smart contracts. Choosing appropriate storage types ensures smooth data retrieval, filtering, searching, and optimal contract functionality.

In Solidity, data storage is categorized into three unique locations, each serving specific purposes. These locations are:

  • Storage
  • Memory
  • Calldata

These locations will be explained in detail to clarify their roles and functionalities in Ethereum smart contracts.


Storage is where state variables reside. These are variables declared within a contract and are persistently stored on the blockchain. They maintain their values across function calls and transactions, acting as a permanent storehouse for data. Storage provides both reading and writing capabilities, allowing any function within a contract to access and update the stored data.

Storage Layout

State variables in storage are structured in a compact way to efficiently save space. A contract’s storage is organized into 2²⁵⁶ slots, each 32 bytes in size. These slots are contiguous, meaning they are arranged one after another, starting from index 0 and ending at 2²⁵⁶-1. Initially, all slots are set to a default value of 0. It’s important to note that the EVM’s storage memory is accessed directly through these 32-byte slots.

The size in bytes of a variable is determined according to its type. If multiple values don’t exceed 32 bytes, they can share a slot however referenced type variables like dynamic arrays may start a new slot. Specific conditions dictate where variables are packed:

  • Variables are grouped in blocks of 32 bytes in storage.
  • Smaller variables share a slot; larger ones have their dedicated slots.
  • Data is stored sequentially, starting from slot 0 and continuing in order of declaration.
  • Dynamic arrays and structs start a new slot and determine subsequent data storage.
  • Due to unknown sizes, dynamic arrays and structs are treated as 32 bytes initially, with actual elements stored separately using a hash function — Keccak256.

When it comes to constant state variables, they operate differently. They are not stored in a storage slot like regular variables. Instead, they are injected directly into the contract’s bytecode (the compiled machine-readable language of your Solidity code that serves as instructions to the computer) during compilation. This means that whenever these constant variables are accessed, the contract automatically substitutes them with their assigned constant value.


Memory is utilized for variables or parameters within the scope of a function, these are referred to as local variables. These variables exist in memory only during the function’s execution, making them temporary and inaccessible outside the function’s scope within your contract. Memory supports both reading and writing operations, as variables are mutable within the function.

Memory Layout

In Solidity, four reserved slots are in memory, each consisting of 32 bytes. These slots are used for specific purposes:

  • 0x00 - 0x3f (64 bytes): scratch space for hashing methods
  • 0x40 - 0x5f (32 bytes): currently allocated memory size (aka. free memory pointer)
  • 0x60 - 0x7f (32 bytes): zero slot
  • 0x80 - 0xbf (32 bytes): Unused/reserved slot (avoid using)

Scratch slot: This is a 64-byte-long area that functions as a temporary workspace. It’s commonly used by hashing methods or for rapid calculations between statements, particularly within inline assembly code.

Allocated memory size: This is used to keep track of the currently allocated memory size. It’s also known as the free memory pointer as it keeps track of the available memory space for dynamic data allocation during contract execution. It marks the end of the currently allocated memory and indicates where new data can be stored in memory.

Zero slot: It’s used as the initial value for dynamic memory arrays and should not be directly modified.

Unused/reserved slot: Solidity doesn’t have a pre-defined purpose for this slot. It’s considered unused or reserved for future purposes. While some documentation might mention it as padding or leftover space, it is best to avoid relying on this slot in one’s code as its usage might change in future Solidity versions.


Calldata functions are similar to memory but with key differences. It is an immutable, temporary data location with read-only capabilities, specifically designed for function parameters. One unique aspect is its ability to pass large data into a function without unnecessary data copying, making data access cost-effective. Calldata should be considered for gas efficiency when the parameter remains unchanged throughout its use.


Understanding the intricacies of data location in Solidity contributes immensely to writing efficient and cost-effective smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain. It ensures we maximise space and resources, optimise gas usage, and ultimately enhance our contracts' functionality and performance. By leveraging storage, memory, and calldata effectively, developers can create robust and scalable decentralized applications that meet the demands of the Ethereum ecosystem.

