Web 3.0 Bootcamp AMA Series I — How Wanxiang Blockchain Labs will Support Web 3.0 Bootcamp

Bootcamp 0225 AMA文稿

Web3 Foundation Team
Web3 Foundation
4 min readMar 17, 2020


How Wanxiang Blockchain Labs Supports Web 3.0 Bootcamp

Guest Speaker: Yukun Hao, Senior Director of Wanxiang Blockchain Labs

1、可以再给我们介绍下 Web 3.0 Bootcamp 吗?

Web 3.0 Bootcamp 由Web3 Foundation、Parity Technologies与中国万向区块链实验室和旗下的新链空间合作发起,利用Polkadot全球生态系统和万向区块链生态内的有效资源,为Web 3.0技术相关的创业团队提供包含技术、产品、资本、法务、生态合作等全方位的支持,构建清晰可持续的商业模式,助力项目成熟落地。

Q1: Would you please tell us more about the Web 3.0 Bootcamp?

Yukun: Web 3.0 Bootcamp is initiated by Web3 Foundation, Wanxiang Blockchain Labs, Parity Technologies and New Chainbase. Leveraging the resources of Polkadot global ecosystem and Wanxiang Blockchain Labs, this Bootcamp will provide participating startups that are building on Web 3.0 technologies with comprehensive support in technology, product, capital, legal consulting, ecosystem, etc. to help them gaining a sustainable business model and rapid growth.

2、波卡/ Web 3 基金会成立到现在有 2 年半的时间,而万向更是这个行业的领头羊,可以说说是什么原因促使万向和 Web3 的合作吗?


Q2: Web3 Foundation was founded three years ago.. Wanxiang is the leader in this industry. Could you please elaborate on the reasons for this collaboration between Wanxiang and Web3 Foundation?

Yukun: First of all, it is about the vision both parties have in the blockchain industry. We both believe that blockchain as a technology will bring a fundamental revolution to our society and make people lives better. As one of the earliest institutions specializing in promoting blockchain technology and industrial adoption, Wanxiang Blockchain Labs always communicates and collaborates with partners in this industry openly. So it is quite natural the two parties come together and partner up.






Q3: What is Wanxiang’s role in the collaboration?

Yukun: Wanxiang Blockchain Labs push in the following aspects:

  • Firstly, we are a booster to blockchain start-ups. We are seeking development teams with potential globally. We know developers’ needs through deep communication and thorough evaluation. Therefore, we are able to provide pertinent guidance and assistance on the business development side, helping these teams improve on the technology implementation and the product innovation, accelerating their overall development, and empowering them on the execution.
  • Secondly, we put in practice to help these teams to turn blockchain technology into a real business. While we are accelerating great teams and invigorating the industry, we are doing our best to get the blockchain technology to unleash its potential value and social influence and turn blockchain applications into reality.
  • Lastly, we are for sure the witness of history here. For this six-month Bootcamp, I am sure there will be excellent teams graduating from this Bootcamp. We are fortunate to have the opportunity to witness outstanding teams grow and prosper. They have all my best wishes.






Q4: Are there any requirements or suggestions on project applications?

Yukun: I have a few suggestions.

  • Firstly, think out of the box and be creative. Do not limit yourself to the existing categories. Brainstorm and try something new. It is our intention to bring in diversity.
  • Secondly, try to solve a real problem in the real world. The last thing we want to see is “solutions looking for problems”. Take a deep dive into some industries and gain expertise. Roll up your sleeves and get your hands dirty so you are able to utilize your blockchain knowledge and technology to resolve a real problem and create true value.
  • Thirdly, be a team player and be cool. Six months in the Bootcamp will challenge the participating teams in multiple ways externally and internally rather than just technically. With guidance from the host, teams can be more collaborative.

5、对于申请成功的项目,万向具体会在 6 个月内提供什么样的支持和服务?





Q5: For teams who got selected for the Bootcamp, what kind of support and services will Wanxiang Blockchain Labs provide?

Yukun: Firstly, industry insights. We will invite industry experts within the Wanxiang blockchain ecosystem to advise the participating teams, ranging from scenario analysis, user acquisition, product design, technical development, fundraising and so on.

  • Secondly, locations and facilities. We will provide one floor of the co-working space in the building of New Chainbase in Shanghai, along with other supporting services.
  • Thirdly, proof-of-concept (POC) opportunities. We will provide numerous POC opportunities in domains such as supply chain finance, new energy vehicles, copyright protections, public affairs, etc, helping these teams to gain actual industry application and experience.
  • Fourthly, access to the Wanxiang blockchain ecosystem. We will let the participating teams fit in the open ecosystem of Wanxiang Blockchain Labs and collaborate in technology, product, market, capital and other fields.

6、6 个月结束后,还会有后续的支持吗?


Q6: Will there be any further support after graduating from the 6-month Bootcamp?

Yukun: The Bootcamp will finish in six months. I think the six months’ support and assistance will be enough to help most projects to set their first step. As for the support after six months, I would like to introduce a concept of ‘alumni association’. We will invite all participating teams to be WanXiang alumni and keep communicating and collaborating with our alumni.

7、您个人怎么看待 Substrate 和波卡?


Polkadot有一流的技术团队,天才的Leader,去年峰会上Gavin关于trust and truth的演讲让人印象深刻,即将上线PolkaDot非常值得期待。

Q7: What do you think of the Substrate and Polkadot yourself?

Yukun: Sharpened tools make good work. Without a good set of development tools, it won’t be easy for developers to build blockchain applications. In my opinion, Substrate symbolizes the revolution of the blockchain ecosystem. This framework helps developers to focus on implementing their “ideas”, which is awesome.

Polkadot has a top-notch technology team and genius leadership. Gavin’s speech on Trust and Truth last year at the WanXiang Blockchain Summit 2019 was very impressive to me. I look forward to the upcoming mainnet launch of Polkadot network.



Q8: Last but not least, what else will you say to those who are preparing to apply for this program or currently developing projects based on Substrate?

Yukun: We are fortunate enough to witness the booming of blockchain industry in our lives. History is made by people. I hope we are not only witnessing history but also writing one.



Web3 Foundation Team
Web3 Foundation

Web3 Foundation is building an internet where users are in control of their own data, identity and destiny. Our primary project is @polkadotnetwork.