Build with Web3 and Polkadot

Web3 Foundation Team
Web3 Foundation
Published in
4 min readAug 23, 2018

Web3 Foundation is pleased to announce the launch of a public repository to help coordinate our collaboration efforts with teams working in the Web 3 ecosystem.

Web3-collaboration is a public forum where anyone can join the Web3 community by finding projects to work on, potential collaborators to work with, and applying for funding.

How to

We’ve created a number of “issues” on GitHub that we’re calling on the Web3 community to help us tackle. All “issues” are potential collaboration opportunities, including hosting meetups, developing the next implementation of Polkadot, and creating a Polkadot wallet. Other development collaboration opportunities can be found here.

Comment on any issue you’re interested in to find collaborators and to let the community know you’re working on it. This will help you gain exposure and help us develop together faster, while mitigating duplicative work. Of course, we are also happy to see and expect multiple teams to develop their own solutions for building out the ecosystem.

Please use this template when commenting on an issue. It is also possible for project teams to suggest new ideas: to do so simply create a new issue, like community members Adrian Brink and Ankur Daharwal did here and here!

If you see that someone is working on an issue you’re interested in that does not mean it is complete! Only once an issue is “closed” is the opportunity over. Learn more about how labels work here.

If you’d prefer to not publicly disclose your intention to work on an issue, you can reach out to a team member directly by on Twitter (Edward & Jack) or Riot (Edward: & Jack: However, we encourage everyone to work within the GitHub repository as announcing your intention publicly is the best way to gain exposure for your project, apply for funding, and work within the community.

Grant Opportunities

The first grant available is the Polkadot Runtime Environment (PRE) grant. Web3 Foundation is funding the development of an alternative implementation of PRE, which is a core component of Polkadot. This will be the third client for Polkadot and will operate alongside Parity Technologies’ Rust and JavaScript implementations.

The analogy for the Ethereum ecosystem is the Parity (Rust) and Geth (Go) clients. PRE is similar to Parity Substrate, but will be written in a language other than Rust.

Building for Polkadot

We’ve been encouraged by the quality of teams working to develop general ecosystem components for Polkadot. However, there is still a lot of work to be done. If you’re interested in getting in at the ground floor of the Polkadot ecosystem, we encourage you to look into the following issues:

Funding is available for building general ecosystem components for Polkadot.

Building Parachains

Polkadot makes it really easy to build and connect blockchains, so it’s no surprise that the most popular issue to-date has been creating parachains for Polkadot. The best way to get started building a parachain is to visit the Parachain Wiki.

Host a meetup

Web3 Foundation is trying to make it as easy as possible for you to host a Polkadot meetup in your local community. We’re empowering community leaders by providing template presentations, logos, and instructions on “how to host a meetup.” Anyone is free to host a Polkadot meetup, but if you’d like to find potential collaborators, apply for funding, or gain more exposure, we encourage you to apply to host a meetup.


Testers and tinkerers are some of the most valuable members of our community. It’s not at all rare for the Polkadot and Web3 Twitter accounts to post about members of our community or allow for community members to post directly to official Medium accounts. Web3 and Polkadot are open source communities and we encourage you to get involved by answering questions in the Polkadot Watercooler, testing our products, and writing up guides or documentation. Get started here.

We look forward to seeing and supporting your work within the Polkadot and Web3 ecosystems!

Looking for more information on Web3?

Real-time conversation

We have Riot channels for real-time discussions on Web3 and Polkadot. Join the conversations.



Web3 Foundation Team
Web3 Foundation

Web3 Foundation is building an internet where users are in control of their own data, identity and destiny. Our primary project is @polkadotnetwork.