Decentralized Futures: Introducing Polkadot Music Events Initiative

Web3 Foundation Team
Web3 Foundation
Published in
3 min readSep 4, 2024

The Web3 Foundation is proud to announce that PMEI (Polkadot Music Events Initiative) is the latest recipient of a Decentralized Futures grant. This grant marks a significant step forward in integrating music with Web3 technologies, leveraging the power of Polkadot to revolutionize how the music industry engages with blockchain.

What is PMEI?

PMEI is at the forefront of driving real enterprise adoption of Polkadot technology, specifically at the intersection of music and Web3. The project is designed to integrate Polkadot into various aspects of the music industry, including ticketing platforms, touring logistics, music royalties, payments, social networking, and music licensing. With this initiative, PMEI aims to create frictionless fan experiences in Web3, making it easier for users and enterprises to engage with blockchain technology in meaningful ways.


The music industry is on the brink of a digital revolution with AI-generated music and Web3 technologies set to transform how artists and fans interact. PMEI is positioned to capitalize on this momentum by bringing the next generation of users to Polkadot through product-focused integrations. The project has already engaged with over four major organizations, expecting to facilitate transactions exceeding $160 million using the DOT token.

Key Milestones and Impact

PMEI has outlined several key milestones as part of their grant application:

  • Ticketing and Wallet Functionality: Developing a proof of concept (PoC) for a seamless ticketing and wallet integration that allows users to automatically onboard onto Polkadot with zero user input via third-party platforms.
  • USDC Native Payments: Building PoC for USDC payments on AssetHub, enabling users to pay with credit cards and convert funds to USDC on the Polkadot network.
  • Crypto-Native Payments: Integrating a user interface for crypto payments, allowing users to connect their Polkadot wallets at venues and pay for services using DOT or other approved assets.

Through these initiatives, PMEI is not just creating technology; it is forging connections between the Polkadot ecosystem and the broader music industry. This project is expected to bring tens of millions of new users into the Polkadot ecosystem, making it a significant contributor to the network’s growth and adoption.

The Road Ahead

PMEI’s future plans involve continuing to align with the broader Polkadot marketing strategy, particularly through collaborations with entities like Distractive. The project also aims to continue building {bash}, their global event series that not only showcases Polkadot tech, but also offers fans and artists a chance to participate in co-creating new experiences in Web3.

As PMEI moves forward, the team will focus on quantitative results and growing the business through strategic partnerships and innovative technology solutions. The ongoing journey will see PMEI driving value across the music industry while integrating Polkadot’s cutting-edge technology.

Join the Revolution

The Web3 Foundation invites everyone in the Polkadot community and the broader Web3 space to follow PMEI’s progress and participate in this exciting transformation of the music industry. Together, we are building a future where music and blockchain converge to create new possibilities for artists, fans, and enterprises alike.

Stay tuned for more updates on PMEI and other groundbreaking initiatives funded by the Decentralized Futures program. The future of music is decentralized, and it’s being built on Polkadot.



Web3 Foundation Team
Web3 Foundation

Web3 Foundation is building an internet where users are in control of their own data, identity and destiny. Our primary project is @polkadotnetwork.