Web3 Foundation Grants — Wave 11 Recipients

Web3 Foundation Team
Web3 Foundation
Published in
3 min readOct 11, 2021

Web3 Foundation is celebrating its 11th round of grants accepted through its Grants Program. After surpassing the 300 grants milestone back in August, it’s time to wrap things up and conclude yet another round of successful applications. This time around, 23 new agreements have been signed. We would like to take this moment to thank all applicants for their hard work and dedication — the amounts of which they continue to display are truly awe-inspiring.

A lot has happened since our last wave update, including the consolidation of our General and Open Grants programs into one streamlined process and the introduction of uncapped funding along with the new grant levels. kUSD is now officially one of the approved currencies for grant payouts, which means teams finally have the option to be paid out in a stablecoin not only in the Polkadot ecosystem, but also native to it. If the response is positive and there’s a demand for other stablecoins, we’ll add more as they become available.

Lastly, we launched maintenance grants a few weeks ago: this new type of grant will allow teams to apply for maintenance of a certain project that is either useful to them or to the ecosystem as a whole. The application process is very similar, leaving out specific deliverables and payment amounts. Head over to the repository to learn how to apply.

We strive to continue improving our grants program and are always open to feedback. If you would like to share suggestions or any criticism, please reach out to us on Github, by email or on Element!

It’s exciting to see the number of talented teams contributing to the Polkadot, Kusama and Substrate tech stack, whether it’s voluntary, self-funded, through one of our grants programs, or through other public funding sources, and we’re continuously looking for new projects to support to continue the expansion of the Web 3.0 ecosystem. If you’re interested, we invite you to apply (as explained below) or, if you have any preliminary questions, reach out to us via email.

Recipients 🚀

We maintain a list of all accepted applications on our grants repository here. Below are all 23 grant recipients of Wave 11.

Developer Tooling

Wallets, Interfaces

New runtime modules and dapps

Apply Now!

We intend to continue awarding grants, so it is never too late to apply! For an overview of projects in the ecosystem and broad project ideas we’re interested in funding, you can take a look at our open source tech stack. The best way to get your proposal accepted is to outline a great roadmap. Going over our guidelines as well as the application template will give you a general idea of what we look for in a grant application.

For more information on how to apply, tips on putting together a great application, and project ideas, head over to the grants program repository on GitHub. We look forward to receiving your application!



Web3 Foundation Team
Web3 Foundation

Web3 Foundation is building an internet where users are in control of their own data, identity and destiny. Our primary project is @polkadotnetwork.