Web3 Foundation Grants — Wave 22 Recipients

Web3 Foundation Team
Web3 Foundation
Published in
4 min readJul 19, 2024

As we progress through 2024, we’re excited to announce the latest wave of grant recipients. In wave 22, we are witnessing the continued collective growth and impact of both the W3F Grants Program and the Decentralized Futures (DF) Program, which have driven significant advancements in the Polkadot and wider Web3 ecosystem.

To recap, the W3F Grants Program focuses solely on technical and open-source projects that benefit the community, while the DF Program aims to kick-start initiatives that can become financially self-sustainable in the long run, offering more flexibility in focus and licensing.

Decentralized Futures Program

The DF application period closed at the end of June 2024, and it has received an overwhelming response with over 250 applications. This far exceeded our expectations and highlights the immense interest from within and outside the ecosystem. So far, over 25 million USD in funding has been assigned through the DF Program, with more funds expected to be assigned by the end of July as the final applications are being reviewed.

Diverse Project Focus

To date, the DF Program has signed 40 projects, including 18 in the past quarter. Over 40 milestones have already been submitted, showcasing the rapid progress and dedication of the teams involved. The distribution of projects signed through the DF Program is as follows: 61% focus on technology, 17% on marketing, 17% on business development, and 5% on community efforts. While some projects are yet to be announced, you can view the list of supported projects here.

Enhancing Project Visibility

We are committed to supporting DF projects with various initiatives to keep the community informed about their activities, boosting their visibility and impact. Recently, we’ve introduced the DF badge for projects supported by the program. DF teams are encouraged to study the guidelines carefully before using the badge. Additionally, we keep the community updated by featuring each DF project in dedicated blog articles and X threads. We also host live spaces with DF teams to engage directly with the community and provide updates on their progress.

W3F Grants Program Recipients 🚀

Due to the DF Program’s wide scope, we have seen a reduction in applications to our Grants Program. In this wave, we have signed seven new grants through the W3F Grants Program, each contributing to the advancement of the Polkadot ecosystem. The focus remains on fostering open-source technologies that provide broad, reusable benefits across the community.

🔗 Chains and Pallets

Dastanbek Samatov: Substrate EVM Adapter

🔧 Dev Tools

Tuguldur Baigalmaa: XCM Tools follow-up-2

Sporyon Technologies: Dotnix

C Forge: Improve & Update Typechain Polkadot

📱 User Interface

KodaDot: AssetHub NFT Indexer (M2)

🛠️ DePIN

Cyborg Network: Cyborg Network — Empowering Decentralized Edge Networks

🧪 Research

Massa Labs: Sub-consensus mechanism

Apply Now!

As the Web 3.0 ecosystem continues to expand, we welcome new proposals. Applying for a W3F grant is straightforward — just submit a pull request to our Grants Program repository. For inspiration, an overview of projects in the ecosystem, and broad project ideas we’re interested in funding, you can take a look at our open-source tech stack.

If your project doesn’t meet the criteria of the W3F Grants Program and instead aims to become a financially sustainable venture within the Polkadot ecosystem, there are other ecosystem-native funding mechanisms, such as the OpenGov-managed treasury, curated bounties or the Polimec fundraising platform.

Work with us!

The Grants Program aims to be as open and accessible as possible. If you’re interested in contributing or getting involved, there are several ways you can do that:

  • We are open to — and reward! — milestone evaluations from third parties. If you’re particularly interested in a certain project, or particularly knowledgeable on a relevant subject, submit your own evaluation.
  • We encourage anyone to submit a request for proposals (RFPs). If you find that there is something missing in our ecosystem (a tool, a project, infrastructure, etc.), that we could help fund, please submit an RFP.

We strive to continue improving the Grants Program and are always open to feedback. If you would like to share any suggestions or criticism, please reach out to us on GitHub or Element!



Web3 Foundation Team
Web3 Foundation

Web3 Foundation is building an internet where users are in control of their own data, identity and destiny. Our primary project is @polkadotnetwork.