Web3 Foundation Grants — Wave 5 Recipients

Web3 Foundation Team
Web3 Foundation
Published in
4 min readMar 25, 2020

After five quarters of the Web3 Foundation Grants Program, we have recently reached the milestone of 100 signed grant contracts from 250 total applications throughout 2019.

Applications for the program are still open and will remain open all-year round. There are no deadlines. We will continue finding and funding new projects to expand the Web 3.0 ecosystem.

Additionally, we recently announced a new subset to our Grants Program: the Open Grants Program. Applications for the Open Grants Program are done entirely on GitHub and are conducted in a more automated and potentially faster manner. The first grant was approved in less than 24 hours. Payment is currently only made in Bitcoin and up to $30,000. Grants that are more complicated, require a higher amount, or where recipients would prefer privacy for payments should apply via the General Grants Program.

Winners from the previous waves were published in the following blogs: Wave One, Wave Two, Wave Three, Wave Four. We also have a master list of all grant teams on our GitHub: Master List.

Recipients 🚀

In this wave we kicked off a few teams to build bridges from Polkadot to other networks. There was also further commitment to teams making improving the experience of developers and users. This includes developer tooling, node deployment, and a further round of wallet support.

This wave has also seen the largest round of teams improving the ecosystem with new runtime modules that cut across DeFi, Gaming, Identity, Scaling and Privacy.


Deployment and monitoring tools for nodes / validators / apps

Developer tooling

New runtime modules, smart contracts and improvements

Wallets / Wallet enhancements

Apply Now!

We continue to award grants throughout the year, so it’s never too late to apply! Take a look at our open source polkadot tech stack to get a general idea of what we are interested in funding. The best way to get your proposal accepted is to outline a great roadmap. As a gentle reminder, we recommend taking a look at the example roadmap on the grant repo. Following this example will increase your team’s chances of success.

If you have a great idea for building in our ecosystem, then check out our grants page. We look forward to receiving your application!

Get in touch

Should you have any questions about the grants process, then feel free to reach out: grants@web3.foundation.

We also have Riot channels for real-time discussions on Web3 and Polkadot:



Web3 Foundation Team
Web3 Foundation

Web3 Foundation is building an internet where users are in control of their own data, identity and destiny. Our primary project is @polkadotnetwork.