TreeLeaves Helps Small Landholders “Leaf” Their Trees Alone

Another Story from the Near Future, by ConsenSys Web3Studio

John Wolpert
ConsenSys Web3Studio
3 min readAug 30, 2019


(All Web3Studio stories are fiction…until they’re not.)

The problem with a lot of so-called blockchain token offerings is that they don’t have good, for lack of a better phrase, economic circuit design. Many rely on the rising speculation bubble to power the token’s value without designing in how the business activity, which the token is supposed to facilitate, will fund and support the value after bubbles burst.

This is especially evident in token offerings (and their related decentralized organizations) that aim at hacking social causes, like getting people to stop chopping down rainforests.

But TreeLeaves is different.

The organizers of TreeLeaves are connected to two key groups. The first is a set of global land developers that have an incentive to show that their activities support the environment. They fund the TreeLeaves token and receive, in return, a branding badge that shows the level of support they offer to ensure that natural resource areas are preserved. (This is the first group of funding entities, but TreeLeaves plans an expansive market for this.)

