3 Ways to Build Your Customer Engagement Strategies

WEBA International
Published in
2 min readFeb 17, 2020

After knowing what customer engagement is, here’s how you can do it.

It is obvious that customer engagement has a big influence on your business and maintain customer relationship better. We’ve introduced in the previous article “What is Customer Engagement and What you Should Do” about the definition, simple tips, and case studies. In this article, let’s talk about three steps to engage your customers effectively.

Show your brand voice

Every brand has its own story, which leads to a personality. With all those market competitors, the way to differentiate yourself is by creating memorable impressions with customers, one of them is through share a unique brand voice.

When this brand voice has been built, customers will gain trust and look at you as a thought-leader in the industry. Brand voice looks more powerful when you share it online through social media. Start to post content that shows your brand values just as if it is your personal account. Social media is a great way to draw customer insights that may not have heard or connected with you.

Personalize customer experiences

Several businesses start the customer journey by filling out a user profile form that has them select preferences. From this information, you can obtain customer feedback and delight them from then on out.

Thus, every customer wants to feel special. Personalization is one of the ways to treat them exclusively, such as designing or producing services and products to meet customer’s preferences. Start with “Hello, Susan” at your inbox, attract their attention, and go far beyond that to personalized offers and services.

Create content based on customer history

Analytics reports are important to help you create related content based on previous marketing results. Do remarketing or campaign with a special touch that exceeds your customers’ expectations will definitely touch their hearts.

For instance, when A company has discovered a group of customers with similar interests, how they will send another email is better different from the others. By this chance, customers will enjoy more about the content they prefer to see.


To sum up, customers have more and more options nowadays, so show your brand voice, provide personalized content, and create content based on buyers’ history, and you will win their hearts.

Optimizing marketing with data and statistics also keeps up with the martech trends. More and more technological tools available nowadays to create precise content to the right customers!

Read more:
What is Customer Engagement and What you Should Do
What is Martech and Why you Should Care?

For more ways to engage customers, and how WEBA helps to personalize content to target audience, please contact us or request a demo! More marketing solutions, WEBA products, and clients’ stories, stay tuned to WEBA International!

