Measurement & Report — Analyze your Customers in all Directions

WEBA International
Published in
4 min readAug 12, 2019

Combine multiple analytics tools, providing you the most accurate information about your customers.

How do you do your marketing research?

Spending a lot of time waiting for IT departments to retrieve the data or authorize you to the data.

To make a performance report, you need to paste and copy the data into the Excel forms.

If you want to know the best marketing strategy for your company, you need to summarize all the analysis results.

Admit it! Isn’t that bothering enough?

Try WEBA Measurement & Report dashboard

  1. Compare multiple campaigns

In the analytics dashboard, select multiple projects to compare, and figure out the various factors and effects from different marketing campaigns.

2. Google Analytics (GA) data combined with Excel PivotTable

In addition to the basic GA data, Excel PivotTable is also an option. With one click, you can switch to the Excel PivotTable and select the dimension project portfolio directly from the GA data. With PivotTable, you can finish your results report with less time and effort.

3. UTM tracking codes

UTM tracking codes will be really helpful when it comes to analyzing the source of your campaigns. WEBA includes UTM generators which makes it much more convenient to implant different UTM parameters, allowing you to accurately track the traffic source.

How does WEBA Measurement & Report work?

(We will emphasize on the scenarios and demonstrations that cannot be done by Google Analytics alone.)

  1. URL analysis

Ryzo Beauty Corporation sends email advertisements (sites) irregularly. In these sites, multiple social media channels are provided (Image 1) for the customers to follow the latest campaigns or discounts. Therefore, the corporation needs tracking methods to figure out customer preferences and distribute the operation proportions.

Image 1: Social media settings

Action: Select “URL Analysis”.

Results: Line is the channel that most customers have been reached.

Select “URL Analysis” and find out Line is the channel that most users come from.

2. Multiple websites analysis comparison

Scenario: Ryzo Beauty Company has launched the same shopping discount in two different periods of times. The two events are sent by line and FB respectively, and they want to know which channel brings more traffic.

Action: Turn on “Multiple” and select sites you need to compare to.

Results: It shows that more customers view campaigns through FaceBook. Therefore, the company may consider emphasizing their FB management and messages in the future.

More customers view campaigns through FaceBook.
Statistics demonstrated in charts

3. Combine GA data with EXCEL PivotTable analysis

Scenario: Trying to figure out which traffic channel and source combination would bring maximum views.

Action: Click “PivotTable Settings” on the right top area, select the dimensions and values you need, of course, with drags and drops.

Results: Turns out the “direct” channel and source bring most view numbers. Therefore, exposing the campaigns on social media may not be the best strategy. In addition, the product may not be attracting enough to get customers’ attention on social media.

PivotTable Settings
Decide the labels and values combination in your PivotTable chart.

4. UTM Generation and Tracking

Scenario: Trying to know the total views and dwell time of customers in order to analyze the receiving status and effectiveness.

Action: Set up UTM tracking codes and fill in the source, media or campaign name, etc.

Results: There are more people receiving sites from Facebook, but they do not stay long. However, Line users are the opposite. We can assume that FB users browse a lot, but without purpose, and thus leading to high bounce rate. Line users tend to stay longer if they are interested in the site content.

Conclusion: In marketing strategy, you may consider to hold your loyal customers with Line, and develop potential customers with Facebook.

Set up UTM tracking codes
In this case, FB has more views but shorter dwell time; while Line has fewer views and longer dwell time.

Make good use of the data can always make your marketing more effective. Normally, there will be a lot of factors that influence the results, and WEBA Measurement & Report will help you to find out. We integrate multiple analysis tools, providing you a complete package of statistics.

Try WEBA Measurement & Report, we’ve got you covered!

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