[Member-Get-Member] Your Customers, Your Super Marketers

WEBA International
Published in
4 min readOct 23, 2019

Acquire new customers? Your loyal customers will help you!

How's your Marketing Doing?

Realized that your advertisements bore your potential customers?
Online advertisements cost you a lot but the results in exchange are always disappointing?
Your line official account may be turned off notifications and the messages you sent may never be clicked?

Apart from Marketing, try “Sharing”!

Social Member-Get-Member (MGM) is one of the mechanisms in WEBA that allows enterprises to select sharing rules for their customers. The old customers will share the campaigns or company’s apps in exchange for discounts or prizes.
The more sharings are done, the more potential customers can be reached!

Leverage from Old Customers and Gain Trust from New Ones

Besides stunning advertisements, better prices and attractive slogans, don’t forget the power of word of mouth.
Generally speaking, it’s much more convincing to the potential customers when they receive the recommendations from their friends than a strange brand.
So let’s try WEBA Social MGM; make double results with fewer efforts!

How to Create My Super Marketer?

Step 1. Set up Sharing Rules

There are two main rules of social sharings calculation.

Repeatable Sharing:

“A” is the person who shares at the beginning, aka a referrer; he shares the website to “B”, the receiver, who can share with other receivers, including A.

Non-repeatable Sharing:

“A” shares the website to “B”, “C”, and “D”. Now, B, C, and D need to share to different people respectively. Sharing back to A is not considered as a successful sharing. This type of sharing rule is more challenging for the referrers; however, more potential customers can be reached.

Non-repeatable sharing comes with another option “multi-layer sharing” which gives the original referrer (in this case, A) more credits after A’s receivers share to more receivers.

Select “Member Get Member” from the left Add section, then choose your MGM rule on the right Settings section.

Step 2. Decide Whether to Fill Out Information

Select modes:

Decide how the receivers help their referrers to pass the challenge. Select “Share”, and the receiver can help their referrer by only log-in to their social media accounts. Select “Fill-Out Forms”, on the other hand, the receivers will need to log-in to social media and fill out the forms in order to help their referrers complete the challenge.

Set up your forms:

Set up the forms for the referrers to fill out. If this “Form Settings” checkbox is checked, the referrers must fill out the forms before they share the campaigns.

Step 3. Design your Forms

The forms can be designed for both the referrer and the receiver.

Following step 2, if you choose “Share” in Select Mode, the receiver will not need to fill out the forms. Therefore, if you next select “Form Settings”, the forms are designed only for the referrers; if not, no one needs to fill out forms.

If you choose “Fill Forms” in Select Mode, the receiver needs to fill out the forms, thus “Forms for the Receiver” is required. Now, if you also select “Form Settings”, you’ll need to design another form for the referrer.

Step 4. Set up Challenge Completed Prizes

In the “Setting Prizes” part, you can design the prizes/discounts for the referrers and receivers respectively. To boost more sharings, the challenge rules can be designed as “the more you share, the better discounts you get.”

Step 5. Edit Pop-up Page and Condition Texts

Design the pop-up page for the site for your customers to complete the sharing through your guide and to check out their sharing conditions or identity information.

Step 6. Check Out the Results in Interactive Dashboard

After the sharing campaigns released, you can check out the sharing results and data any time on WEBA interactive dashboard, including your customer information, reach, source or sharing conditions. In addition, view the information that your customer has filled out and analyze your potential customers.

How do we attract our customers in this era of information explosion? Too many advertising messages or postings on social media bored them, and they might not buying sponsored posts as well. Try Social Member-Get-Member and gain potential customers’ awareness and trusts more efficiently.

Social Members Get Members — Double your Marketing Success.

Interested in more details about how WEBA Social MGM works? Wanna know how WEBA has helped enterprises with the digital marketing process? Contact us today, let’s get in touch! Stay tuned to WEBA International blog where we updated marketing topics and new product introduction!

