WEBA Product Launch Event Part 2 — Engagement Platform (EP)

WEBA International
Published in
5 min readSep 30, 2020

WEBA Engagement Platform provides the most eclectic best-of-suite marketing solutions for the enterprises.

The WEBA 2020 Product Launch Event was held successfully on July 15, 2020. In WEBA Product Launch Event Part 1 — Mobile Bill (MB), we captured the essence of the new product launch. In this article, we will share another long-time featured WEBA Engagement Platform (WEBA EP) cases and stories.

Before it starts: WEBA is everywhere! WEBA campaign cases in daily life.

Marketing campaigns powered by WEBA are easy to find in everyday life. From financial, insurance, and retail promotion campaigns, our clients are frequently creating them with WEBA. These campaigns are delivered to consumers through LINE or apps, in which consumers can simply click to participate in the campaigns. Our speaker in this event personally opened the apps and social media on her phone, and showed everyone these commonly-seen marketing campaigns are actually powered by WEBA EP, such as:

  • 2-year anniversary celebration campaigns from insurance industry.
  • Frequently-launched campaigns, promotion banners, images, and information packs in the financial industry App.
  • Monthly Lucky Draw from the retail industry.
  • Member-get-member campaign in the financial industry.
  • Covid-19 rescue package was published within one week from the financial industry.

Just to name a few. The cases above are also displayed in the booth area, where the guests in this product launch event can better experience and understand how WEBA works. Next, we will share some of our client stories and explain to you how WEBA EP can help companies achieve their goals.

WEBA Client Story: How does WEBA EP help companies?

Story 1: Immediate rescue in the financial industry: Rescue package launched within a week.

In response to the outbreak of the epidemic, some banks are required by the government to issue urgent rescue packages within a short period of time. Our financial industry clients use WEBA EP to create and publish a rescue package on their website within a week. When other banks are so uptight about the urgent rescue package, our clients have easily done it in five days.

Results: Customer service response speed increased by 40%, customer problems solved within an average of one hour, and reduced overall customer complaint returns by 20%.

Story 2: Acquire customers and interaction — MGM campaigns, reaching 30 times of new accounts in 3 days.

Our financial industry clients hope to increase the number of new accounts and use WEBA EP to create MGM (Member-get-member). More than 100,000 people rushed in three hours after the campaign was launched and eventually reached 30 times new accounts.

Results: The total number of people involved in the campaign was 180,000. 4,000 people successfully shared and reached the MGM standard. At the end of the campaign, the total number of accounts created was more than 6,000, which was 30 times more than the same period.

Story 3: Platform Integration — Download WEBA sites and embed them in the official website or App.

(1) After downloading the WEBA site package, it can be embedded in the official website or third-party platform:

Financial industry customers need to embed their marketing campaign into the third-party official website they cooperated with. They created the campaign with WEBA first, downloaded and easily embedded it to the different platforms.

(2) WEBA webpages can also be embedded in the App, which greatly saves App cost for updates and launches:

Financial industry customers use WEBA to create online campaigns and embedded them into their own app, the number of launched campaigns has doubled, and the cost of app update and maintenance fee has been saved.

(3) Multi-screen support:

In response to the need for multiple screens, campaigns powered by WEBA EP are available in both mobile and multiple screen sizes to support displaying WEBA campaigns in different sizes. Retail clients used WEBA to make a lucky wheel campaign and displayed it on their own multimedia screens in their event venue, attracting their customers to experience it and download apps. Successful app downloads have increased by 4 times.

Benefits of WEBA EP Platform:

WEBA EP provides complete marketing functions such as interaction, personalization, forms, online application, and member-get-member. Compared to best-in-breed platforms, WEBA EP has the following advantages as an all-in-one marketing platform:

  • High integration
  • High compatibility
  • Consistent operation

The compatibility and integration among the modules are much higher in the same platform. If you hope to include lottery games, fill out the forms, log in, and other functions in one marketing campaign, they can all been done in WEBA EP without integration worries or incompatibility. Not to mention the enterprise users can save a lot of time communicating with multiple vendors.

In addition to the briefing presentation, there was a booth area in the middle of the event to display the WEBA product functions on the screen. Our guests can also experience how to operate on WEBA platform to better understand WEBA products.

The actual cases were displayed at a booth.
WEBA is connected with a third-party e-ticket platform to allow guests to draw gifts in the form of a lottery.

Thanks to all the participants who support us, WEBA product launch event came to a successful conclusion. We are glad that the guests have learned more about WEBA!

If you want to know more about WEBA Engagement Platform and Mobile Bill cases, benefits, or applications, feel free to check our WEBA official website, we will help you to understand your needs better. We will also regularly update new product information or marketing trends on the WEBA official blog, stay tuned!

