OpenAPI Mission Review 2016

Jarda Mooza Machaň
WebAPI Developers


We’re in the quarter of 2017. Last year we’ve worked hard to push our bank at least a bit forward in the technological domain again. WWDWS, what we do, we share ;-) So we’ve traveled a bit around the Globe to present our effort and some of the results mainly at the APIDays events, but also at the APIStrat 2016.

What’ve we done then? After a few weekends of coding, we took part at the WebExpo conference 2016 where we’ve presented the very first homomorphic encryption API in the World! Alongside, Jan Sechovec has presented Anemone cloud platform example solution. We collected a lot of positive feedback which is always so important to keep You in rush again and again.

At the APIDays London which was focused on PSD2, we’ve had our first international talk on the API conference. It was a story about the oldest and biggest bank in the Czech Republic and its approach to the PSD2. Some folks from other big banks were pretty surprised about the fact, that we are NOT waiting for what this regulation will carry down to our national law, but we’re intensively dealing with EBA and CBA to define the future API and SCA standard. Jan Sechovec also has challenged worldwide security experts at IDC Security Summit in Prague with his beloved homomorphic baby called Morfina.

After a long flight to Boston, when British Airways was unable to deliver our luggage we’ve presented two men talk with a hands-on demo, showing our homomorphic encryption prototype. That was so amazing, that Jan Sechovec made the audience clap their hands through his live demo. Our developer’s portal is my main focus so I presented the changes and improvements we made, like automatic registration up to the system test environment. Hopefully, the very best Christmas present will be the release of our API SDKs. Watch it!

Finally, we received an invitation to the APIDays Paris. It was Christmas time, so our talk was the very first Christmas surprise for the audience. Now we’re waiting for the record to show You, meanwhile share the love with the #positiveAPI.

Sharing stuff with the outside world is one part of evangelization. But if the World knows and the rest of your company does not, something is wrong. Thanks to the limitless effort of Tomáš Žďára we’ve organized an APINauts festival followed by Digi-Fest by Standa Gálik the week after. APIs were everywhere, Tesla was connecting our buildings, and face-recognition-based chatbot systems communicated with the audience when purchasing plane tickets.

This was some of our effort in 2016, but we have 2017 ahead of us and right now I feel that it will be three times the intensity of 2016. But we’re ready to face it, to accept new challenges and opportunities. And do You know how is this all possible? Because we do have a dream team and I’m so happy to be a part of it. I like to name us a “Special Task Force”.



Jarda Mooza Machaň
WebAPI Developers

From my professional experience I've created a strong and simple understanding of the core of any company's success: listen to your customers.