AI email reply writing with OwlReply

Ryan L. Kopf
Published in
8 min readJun 25, 2023

OwlReply, the cutting-edge email automation platform, has taken the power of artificial intelligence to the next level by integrating ChatGPT, an advanced language model developed by OpenAI. This integration brings forth a powerful combination of automation and human touch, allowing users to leverage the capabilities of ChatGPT to generate email drafts while still maintaining the ability to review and edit them before sending.

ChatGPT is a state-of-the-art language model that excels in generating human-like text based on given prompts. By integrating ChatGPT into OwlReply, the platform leverages the model’s natural language processing capabilities to create initial email drafts based on the content of incoming messages. This integration enables OwlReply to provide users with a head start in crafting thoughtful and contextually relevant replies.

OwlReply is unique in the way that it helps you automate your emails. OwlReply is different from other email automation tools because it helps you automate your emails in a unique way, by creating drafts for you. With OwlReply, you can save time by letting it generate draft responses based on the emails you receive. The best part is, you still have control over the final message. You can review and edit the drafts before sending them, making sure they sound just the way you want. This feature sets OwlReply apart and makes it a user-friendly tool for automating your email replies.

What’s ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is one of the most powerful AI models out there. s exceptional capabilities in generating coherent and contextually relevant text have made a significant impact in the field of natural language processing. With its advanced architecture and extensive training, ChatGPT can engage in human-like conversations and provide valuable insights. From customer support and content creation to personal assistance and research, ChatGPT’s versatility and exceptional performance have solidified its position as a dominant force in the AI landscape.

How does this automate your emails with AI?

OwlReply automates your emails with the power of AI, making the process more efficient and convenient. Using advanced artificial intelligence algorithms, OwlReply analyzes the content of incoming emails to understand the context and intent behind them. Based on this analysis, it generates draft responses that are relevant and aligned with the sender’s expectations.

The integration of ChatGPT, a powerful language model, further enhances OwlReply’s automation capabilities. ChatGPT helps generate initial drafts by leveraging its deep understanding of language patterns and context. These drafts serve as a starting point for your email responses.

By automating the initial drafting process, OwlReply saves you time and effort. It eliminates the need to start from scratch for every email and provides you with a solid foundation to build upon. However, OwlReply doesn’t send the drafts automatically. Instead, it places them in your inbox, giving you the freedom to review and customize them before sending.

This combination of automation and user control allows you to benefit from the efficiency of AI while maintaining a personal touch in your email communication. You can make edits, add specific details, and ensure the final message reflects your unique style and preferences.

In summary, OwlReply automates your emails by using AI to generate contextually relevant draft responses. It simplifies the process, saves time, and gives you the flexibility to review and personalize each email before sending.

The actual process of automating your emails with ChatGPT is relatively straightforward. You connect OwlReply to your email account by logging into your email through OwlReply. Then you create a template for your company’s emails. Here’s an example:


Thank you for emailing us at Adam's Bakery, the freshest bakery in town.


Also, don't forget about our special on cookies for corporate parties!

Yours Truly,

Adam Windschild
Founder and CEO

OwlReply will put the ai-created email reply in the reply part of the email, allowing you to tailor the experience to your company.

But there’s more to how OwlReply works — you can also add keywords in addition to AI-created replies.

OwlReply lets you use keywords to create your replies. Keywords are specific words or phrases that you can use to tell OwlReply how to generate responses that match your style and message. When you include these keywords in your email drafts, OwlReply uses them to understand what you want to say and helps generate responses accordingly.

Using keywords gives you more customization options. You can choose the important points you want to address, the tone you want to use, or any specific instructions you want OwlReply to follow. By including these keywords, you can guide OwlReply to create responses that fit your needs.

The keyword feature allows you to have more control over the responses OwlReply generates. It helps ensure that the automated replies better match what you want to say. This feature makes the process of communicating through email faster and more personalized.

With OwlReply’s keyword feature, you can make your email responses more efficient while still having the ability to influence and customize them. This gives you a good balance between automation and personalization, making your email communication experience even better.

The keyword-based replies aren’t just drafted on their own — the AI takes your suggested keywords and analyzes if that response is appropriate for the email. If the email is not actually about the keyword, the AI is free to disregard the automated keyword reply that you setup.

This means OwlReply is the most powerful way to integrate artificial intelligence into your emails that exists.

How many emails are sent per day?

The advent of email revolutionized the way we communicate, enabling near-instantaneous message delivery across the globe. Today, billions of emails are sent and received every day, showcasing the immense popularity and widespread use of this communication medium. While it is challenging to provide an exact figure due to the dynamic nature of email usage, various estimates help us understand the magnitude of daily email exchanges.

On a global scale, it is estimated that over 300 billion emails are sent and received each day. This staggering number highlights the significant role email plays in personal, professional, and organizational communication. From personal conversations and business correspondence to marketing campaigns and customer support, emails serve as a ubiquitous form of digital interaction.

Factors contributing to the high volume of emails include the ever-growing global population, the proliferation of internet access, and the increasing reliance on digital communication in both personal and professional spheres. Additionally, the ease of use, cost-effectiveness, and ability to send attachments make email an indispensable tool for information exchange in various contexts.

With businesses relying heavily on email for internal and external communication, it is estimated that a significant portion of these daily emails are attributed to corporate correspondence. Companies use email for team collaboration, client communication, project updates, and much more. The rise of remote work and virtual collaboration further fuels the demand for email communication, as it allows for asynchronous communication across different time zones.

Furthermore, the prevalence of email marketing contributes to the substantial email traffic. Businesses leverage email campaigns to reach out to customers, share promotions, and nurture client relationships. The effectiveness and cost-efficiency of email marketing make it a popular choice for businesses of all sizes, further increasing the email volume.

How many emails does OwlReply automate per day?

OwlReply’s automation capabilities enable it to handle a significant number of emails per day. It is designed to streamline email communication and assist users in automating their responses, saving them valuable time and effort. With its efficient automation features, OwlReply has the capacity to automate thousands of emails per day, helping users manage their inbox more effectively.

OwlReply’s pricing is also very transparent and very reasonable, with 100 emails allowed per day.

How much time can AI save answering emails?

AI can save a substantial amount of time when it comes to answering emails. The exact time saved may vary depending on factors such as the volume of incoming emails, the complexity of the queries, and the level of automation implemented. However, AI-powered email automation tools like OwlReply can significantly reduce the time spent on email responses.

Traditionally, crafting individual replies for each email can be time-consuming, especially when dealing with large volumes of messages. With AI, automated email responses can be generated quickly, eliminating the need for manual drafting. This automation allows users to handle a higher volume of emails in a shorter period.

Furthermore, AI algorithms continuously learn from user interactions and feedback, improving their response generation over time. As the AI model becomes more familiar with the user’s preferences and communication style, it can generate more accurate and contextually relevant replies. This improvement in accuracy further saves time by reducing the need for extensive manual editing.

While it is challenging to provide an exact figure on time saved, it is not uncommon for AI automation tools to cut down the time spent on email responses by a significant margin. It frees up users’ valuable time, allowing them to focus on other essential tasks, increase productivity, and achieve a better work-life balance.

Imagine you spend approximately 2 hours every day answering emails manually, carefully crafting responses and addressing each message individually. That’s 2 hours of valuable time that could be allocated to other important tasks or even personal activities. However, with the assistance of AI-powered email automation tools like OwlReply, you could significantly reduce the time spent on email responses and reclaim those 2 hours for more meaningful endeavors.

Automate your emails with AI

OwlReply boasts an intuitive and user-friendly interface that caters to individuals with varying levels of technical expertise. The platform is designed to provide a seamless experience in automating email replies, ensuring that users can quickly adapt to its functionalities and leverage its benefits.

The interface of OwlReply is thoughtfully designed with simplicity in mind. Its clean and organized layout makes it easy to navigate and understand, even for users who may not be particularly tech-savvy. The user-friendly design ensures that individuals can quickly grasp how to utilize the platform effectively.

One of the key advantages of OwlReply’s interface is its compatibility with mobile devices. The platform is optimized for mobile use, allowing users to access and manage their email automation on the go. Whether you’re using a smartphone or a tablet, OwlReply provides a responsive and seamless experience, enabling you to automate email replies conveniently from any device.

Setting up keywords in OwlReply is a breeze. The platform offers a straightforward process for creating and managing keywords. Users can easily define specific words or phrases that they want OwlReply to recognize and utilize for generating relevant email responses. This simplicity in keyword setup ensures that users can quickly customize their automated replies based on their unique requirements.

Additionally, OwlReply provides a hassle-free onboarding experience, allowing users to get started swiftly. The setup process is streamlined and intuitive, minimizing the time and effort required to begin automating email replies. The platform offers clear instructions and guidance at each step, ensuring that users can effortlessly configure their email accounts and integrate OwlReply into their existing workflows.

The combination of a user-friendly interface, mobile compatibility, and easy keyword setup contributes to the overall seamlessness of the OwlReply experience. Users can swiftly navigate the platform, review and edit draft responses, and customize their email automation preferences with ease. This accessibility and simplicity empower individuals of all technical backgrounds to harness the power of OwlReply and automate their email replies efficiently.

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Ryan L. Kopf

Serial C.E.O. and Entrepreneur. Great at technology, innovation, and entertainment arts.