How SEO & PPC Work To Promote Your Business

Webby Giants
Webby Giants
Published in
5 min readJun 26, 2019
How SEO & PPC Work To Promote Your Business

Certainly, when it comes to boost traffic for your website, you’ll have two best options, Pay per Click (PPC) advertising or search engine optimization (SEO). You can pay for traffic using the PPC advertising programs provided by Google Ads, Microsoft Advertising and others etc. They will most probably enable you to display ads in the sponsored results in selection purposes of each Search Engine Results Page (SERP). Then, you’ll most probably make investment pertaining to your competitive edge of your chose keyword is whenever a viewer goes from your ad to your website or social media page.

Instead, you can generate traffic free of cost via achieving high rankings in the specific search engine results, the listings are generally displayed after sponsored results. You will most prominently to follow SEO best practices to try to get your site displayed on these regular pages are more predominate and are most often presented. It might take a time period to reach at the top of the usual results, but the free and targeted traffic will most probably indicate to be well versatile in the investment within a considerable timeframe.

Most often, the question arises that what approach is much better? It mostly depends on your needs and budget. If you want to experience fast traffic and are willing to invest for it, then PPC would be the right choice for you. Albeit, if you don’t have enough budget, it would make some sense to invest your time to figure out higher search rankings using SEO. Precisely, In every web development firm, it is evident that web developers often collaborate with digital marketing professionals to perform complete analysis and keyword integration to maintain their website on the top most position on SERPs. Hence, in this article we have listed significant reasons pertaining to whether SEO & PPC would work to promote your business.

1. Does your budget is sufficient for website advertising budget?

Does your budget is sufficient for website advertising budget?

Choosing between SEO and PPC, your first requirement is to decide what size advertising budget you can handle for your business. You have to set your daily expenses spending limit on lower budget, but it would be a great idea to start with a minimum of $5 to $10 per day.

However, if you don’t have money to advertise your productivity, then you’ll have to stick with free SEO services. But if you have even small amount of budget to invest in PPC Advertising, then you should consider it, as it provides quite a number of benefits.

2. How to determine the average CPC in your industrial marketplace?

How to determine the average CPC in your industrial marketplace?

Furthermore, in addition to determining your overall advertising budget-making decision to take perceive at what other people in your industry are paying for advertisements. Moreover, PPC platforms would possibly allow users to bid what they are willing to simply pay for a keyword, referred as Cost Per Click (CPC). Suppose, if you want to reach specific people for the purpose of keyword phrase, named as “car insurance online”, you can mostly use traffic estimation software within free Google External Keyword Research based Tool and perceive the average CPC for the phrase is $2.76.

However, an average CPCs can execute much better at a mere cost tag of $28.55, such as “automobile insurance”. Thus, these prices would make it quite difficult for new advertisers to receive profit from target gained via running PPC. In these circumstances, SEO would be a better option.

3. How much important are SERPs in your specified niche?

How much important are SERPs in your specified niche?

You will also have to predict competences of search engine results pages are for your targeted keywords. In order to perform you will have to enter your keywords into Googles External Keyword Research Tool, which will allow you to estimate competition level, along with the number of advertisers those who are bidding on your keywords to generate average CPCs.

Mostly, in competitive industries and workflow environment, you would most possibly figure out the average search engine result pages for your targeted keywords are quite worthful via proper authority-oriented websites. For Instance, software agencies i.e. a custom web design company usually comprises of a team of digital marketing professionals with a sole concern with SEO and PPC strategies. It might seem nearly impossible to relocate without using a significant investment pertaining to time and money perspective, synonymously. Thus, in these circumstances, it would probably result in making more sense to invest for generating huge amount of traffic via PPC promotion campaigns, this would also result in attaining huge amount of ROI.

However, this won’t be sustainable case to make a particular choice between two diverse situations. Albeit, when incorporated together, SEO and PPC can produce powerful results that would lift your online business to the next level. Hence, your task is to perceive these questions and find out what would be your destined outcome when combining PPC and SEO for your business website.


It must be kept into consideration that trends in Digital Marketing including SEO and PPC are constantly changing with the emergence of new and improved Google Search Engine Algorithms. These search algorithms crawl around your websites and helps in updating new information and business requirements to your website, this eventually helps you to maintain higher rankings on SERPs. Hence, to keep your website updated you should regularly update your SEO and PPC techniques.

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