Is Creating Mockups nearing end of life?

evolving as web-design progresses 

Vipul Anand
Webdesign 2014


What is it about?

Ever wonder how a designer gets on to a blank canvas to etch something that becomes industrial standard? not always, but the amount of effort it takes is the same.

unlocking the creative process

There were times when tables and graphics formed a webpage structure, since then on browsers have evolved to assist the designer/developer to test the actual design layouts for the content or idea, and same for the tools we are using now.

The evolving phase of designing

How many of us realize about creative process is really very simple at times and complex the next moment, the more you question your designing abilities, it transforms, this shift is natural, starting from a blank canvas to a point where you say this is OK to stop now.

The inspirational layout

During mock-up sessions, the priority is “Make Sense”

nonsense is easy, and that’s where it all starts to evolve, throwing every idea on canvas and then look back at it to list-in/list-out object arrangement. This is one approach, pretty naive way to get going on an unexplored territory “The Idea”.

There is no such limit or strict set of rules for being creative at what ever you do!

Freedom at initial stage of layout mockups is important, very important,

I start curbing myself when I think of Developers job to translate the mocked-up layout.

Keeping it simple isn't so simple too, chances of sacrificing important details is so easy to attempt.

Back in college days at smithy workshop, Job given had a definite shape, the final output was decided. Supervisor will rate it as per the finishing and dimensions of the job. a perfect match in lab time is graded high.

Well, to an extent the decided final shape and form is what Mockup Decides!
Final is Production Coding ! Thanks to developers!

2014 will see Prototyping techniques and tools while graphical-mockup workflow being phased-to-classrooms,

Old Habits die hard though

Google webdesigner, Reflow-PS sync, Macawa, Muse, Proto, are these tools hinting the next app packs the graphic-design, Front and backend snippets? Getting going in considerably short span of minutes, the fully functional, network-inefficient content layout? the fun will be lost, I maybe wrong.

I will not stop using my favorite tools “Fireworks, Sublime and DW”, not so soon, cause this entire process incites me.

