Semi-continuous delivery

Igor Budasov
Published in
1 min readJul 26, 2018

Now at Mollie we’re working at two big parts of the project, and at some point they overlap, which causes some difficulties while merging.

For various reasons we don’t do canonical Continuous Delivery, but we do manual releases few times a day. It works good for us, but still — the merging is hell.

The solution

I’ve been thinking — how to keep current order of things and also get rid of merging issues, and come up with solution:

  1. Have a devbranch, or something similar and work on new features there, doing micro commits. That is how all the team members could have changes of each other without big issues with merging
  2. Do classy CD there
  3. Once feel comfortable with the release — do it


  • no issues with merging


  • merging big parts of code to the codebase is always risky



Igor Budasov

A traveller. A drinker. A photographer. A blogger. An engineer.