The impostor syndrome

Igor Budasov
Published in
2 min readSep 18, 2019

The impostor syndrome is the feeling that we are not worthy. We have the impress that we don’t know how to do properly our work. We feels like frauds, only creating bugs and crashing our production servers. We wonder why the company we’re working for even pays us, and we might doubt deeply if somebody else will ever need us if we lose our job.

Bad news

if you have the impostor syndrome — most probably you’re right, you’re am impostor.

If you really create bugs, don’t know how to do your work, not sure about the code your write, don’t understand what you’re working with — most probably you’re lacking some important things in your education and you need to fix them.

The syndrome is not really a syndrome, but more of a symptom, which pushes lazy devs in the proper direction as much as it can, but people tend to protect themselves: oh, I have this impostor syndrome, but actually I’m a good dev, but this syndrome, it sucks.

Good news

It will be gone since you’ll start learning and practicing disciplined software development, writing tests, reading books, taking care of the project you’re working on, understanding design patterns and many other things.

If you know what you’re doing, if you’re responsible for every line you have written — there is no place for being an impostor.



Igor Budasov

A traveller. A drinker. A photographer. A blogger. An engineer.