CyberSecurity101- What You Need To Know?

Naveen Verma
Published in
2 min readOct 16, 2018

Have you ever pondered on how secure your data and its components are? Or how the cybersecurity tools and trends related to your business?

Well, cybersecurity is quite a wide niche that consists of various topics related to security over the web. Although businesses do their best to implement the various security solutions, reports like- “poor network security gave easy to the credit card information, or a DDOs attack manipulated the elections data” makes us learn more.

So, if you also want to bid adieu to the cyber attacks, here is what you need to know-

91% Of The Breaches Start Through An Email

Did you know that one of the most common is email spoofing?

It is a tactic that is used during phishing and advertising campaigns because users are more likely to open a mail when it looks like, it is generated from a source. This attack forgers the email header in a way that it simply gets a legitimate look.

These emails come up with a link that redirects you to compromised domains or steals your credentials.

Internet Of Things Is Bringing New Security Challenges

There is no denying that the Internet of Things is the future of the business world. It connects all the digital sources and increases the chances of a cyber attack.

The integration will improve business efficiency, but high-end expertise will be required to protect it from cyber attackers.

Encryption Is An Important Aspect

Most of the companies avoid incorporating encryption methods in their business networks. However, it is a quite well-known concept that is used to prevent hackers from reading the confidential data of an enterprise.

So, when it comes to cybersecurity, it is essential that you consider encryption as an important aspect.

Downtime Can Harm A Business

Did you know that cyber attacks and large downtime can bring your business down? It takes a lot of time to recover from the effect of an attack, and in that time, your customers take a drift towards your competitors.

The Final Words

We consider cybersecurity as a minor aspect, but it is everywhere. Be it a 2-step authentication, anti-virus or the strength of your password; everything comes under cybersecurity. There is a lot that goes into it, and the above pointers give you a basic idea of what you need to know.

You can also use the cybersecurity tools like WebEagle as they scrape the web and notify you of the risks of a cyber attack.



Naveen Verma

A Digital Marketing Expert born with love for technology. Loves to Write, Travel and explore the world of new opportunities.