The Basics of Machine Learning-Based Email Security

Naveen Verma
Published in
5 min readJun 29, 2019

Emails are one of the most preferred ways of communication for both formal and informal uses. The industries are using it for attaining quotations, track orders, communicate with the dealers, and even for marketing their products.

Now, imagine how much destruction a criminal can cause if he/she manages to exploit this aspect of communication. You click an email and the criminal get access not only your files also the information of others connected to you. The worst part is that with hundreds of email in the inbox, you won’t even know about the infecting email till it infects your system.

This is the situation which calls for a smart solution, something that can predict the online activity and warn you about the source of infection before it takes over.

The only security technology that is capable of providing these features is machine learning. Let’s have a closer look at this amazing technology:

What is Machine Learning?

Machine learning is the branch of artificial intelligence, which makes the system capable of learns and improves itself. The systems keep on analyzing new patterns, data, and trends of the online and then append the algorithms according to them.

Akram Artoul, CEO of WebEagle and his team, says that this can grant you the power to create a system which will be capable of detecting the error in even the deepest corner of the storage and solve without any problem.

In email security, machine learning will help the system to find the recent attacks and algorithms adopted by hackers. The auto-updating database of harmful threats will strengthen its security, hence reduce its vulnerability to phishing, malwares, and other modes of cyber attacks.

Fundamental of Machine Learning

Before you get down with the implementation of machine learning; you have to the factors that affect it.

The following are the fundamentals of this technology that you have to consider.


The machine learning depends on past experience and records for predicting future events. It means that the more data you will feed to the system, the more robust your security will become.

Therefore, make it a point to enrich your system with all the existing records of past events and attacks. The data may include records of the viruses, malwares, attacker, attack patterns, influenced companies, and more.

You should also interpolate the system with behavioral patterns between individuals, organizations, infrastructures, location, and more. It will help the system to analyze the trustability levels according to the type of emails. It will then create different criteria for each of these categories and implement security policies according to it.

However, you have to refine the resource of the database regularly to keep the system up to date. It is also crucial that you connect the system with a real-time data stream so that the machine can apply necessary changes within microseconds of detection.

Data Analysis Method

The secret of security improved security doesn’t entirely rely on the bad events; the goods events are equally important. It’s important because the behavior of non-legitimate activities is far more challenging to detect than regular activities.

Akram Artoul and his team believe that hackers are aware of the latest security system and will come up with algorithms to hide their activities. They will create viruses and find methods which can say undetected even from the most recent algorithms. So, you won’t have a way to detect them directly.

However, their activities will have some effect on the standard working data, and you can use it as an advantage. If your system knows about the normal working of the online data, it can use it to detect the deviation of normal functioning.

You can then use your resource to find and fix the problem of that section without any problem.

In case the deviation is the wrong call, your system will record this experience and prevent it from happening in the future.

Trainer of the Domains

According to WebEagle CEO, Akram Artoul, machine learning technology will make the system, but it will not create a perfect machine. The machine will be a newborn kid who will have ability and intelligence but without the skills or knowledge to use it. So, it will need a trainer to share his/her experience with the system and teach it to use acquired resources.

In simple words, the capability of the AI will depend on the intelligence and the knowledge of the scientist who trained it. Therefore, if you want to develop a highly potent email security system, you will need to find the experts to prepare your security system.

The trained human will teach the machine with the basic work for differentiating the infected data with the harmless one and finding the underlying mechanism of the scam. It will make the machine ready for the first go; once it’s functional, you can introduce it to more precise data.

In the time, it will start to recognize new patterns and will develop an expert eye for finding the shady activities.

Cloud Computing Compatibility

The experts like Akram Artoul believe that cloud in the next generation of database management and storage system that will take over all the traditional methods in the coming timing. The tech giants like Google, Amazon, Microsoft, and more are already shifting towards it. However, with increasing usage of the cloud also makes it a prime target for hackers. The technology is rather new and has unknown loopholes, which make it much easier to crack for professional cybercriminals. The best line of defense that you will get in this case is the Machine learning technology.

If you integrate Machine learning with your cloud storage, it can take over the security and use its intelligence for finding the threats in the online storage. The machine will be able to analyze each and every email that passes through the network and find the anomalies of the inbox.

The Final Words

AI or more precisely, Machine learning is the next generation security system. The system learns from experience, predict future events, and create algorithms that can combat them.

Akram Artoul and his team at WebEagle says machine learning security system is a must for any organization, institute, and individuals who want to get seamless email communication without any risks.

So, you can talk to them for guidance, and more resources related to machine learning. Apart from that, you can also connect to WebEagle for frameworks, designs, security system, and all other needs of web developing.



Naveen Verma

A Digital Marketing Expert born with love for technology. Loves to Write, Travel and explore the world of new opportunities.