Proven Method to Sell Subscriptions Like Hotcakes!

Matt Astifan
Web Friendly
Published in
2 min readNov 5, 2017

If you or your client has a subscription, membership, or a course that you want to sell, a subscription funnel is an excellent tool to use. Myself having a variety of courses and memberships at different price points, I’ve seen that this funnel type works best for memberships priced around $200-$500.

Open with a video sales letter

Selling a subscription or membership is essentially selling an ongoing relationship. The best way to enter into that relationship and build rapport is through an informative video, talking about the product on offer. Avoid talking about the specifics, but rather paint a picture of what the offer means and how it will improve their life. If you’re selling a course, talk about the skills they will gain, the increased income potential, and the stories of people who took the course before them. Invest in a copywriter and professional videographer to help you make this video — it will pay off in the end.

Call to action

Your call to action isn’t to buy the subscription right away. The call to action is to let you give them a free trial — a much more convincing proposition. A 14-day free trial of the subscription or membership works well to prove the value of your offer and give them a taste, so that they will pay to come back for more.

If they don’t take up your offer, don’t fret: you still have their email address and can follow up with further offers and promotions!

One-time-offer Upsell

Now that you’ve sweet-talked them and given them a gift of a free trial, you’re in a good position to ask for a sale. After they have signed up for the free trial, let them know that they can purchase an additional product this one time only. The offer should be a lower ticket price than the subscription, $50-$100, and be related to the benefits they will receive from the subscription. For example, if you’re selling a course, offer a related book or event. This offer increases your revenue and builds your credibility. If they’ve purchased from you once, they are more likely to purchase the subscription when their trial ends!



Matt Astifan
Web Friendly

I research and share easy, simple and proven marketing strategies for Internet entrepreneurs via the web @webfriendly and live in-person events @i_masterminds