The Role and Significance of the UK Responsible Person (UKRP) in Medical Device Regulation — I3CGLOBAL

Webfrog IT Services Team
Published in
3 min readJul 7, 2023

The medical device industry is subject to rigorous regulations and standards to ensure the safety and effectiveness of devices in the market. In the United Kingdom (UK), the implementation of the Medical Device Regulation (MDR) has introduced new requirements, including the role of the UK Responsible Person (UKRP).

This article explores the role and significance of the UKRP in medical device regulation, including their responsibilities, qualifications, and impact on market access.

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Understanding the UK Responsible Person (UKRP)

The UKRP is a key entity introduced under the MDR to represent manufacturers of medical devices located outside of the UK. Their primary responsibility is to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements and act as a point of contact for the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) in the UK.

The I3CGLOBAL UKRP plays a critical role in facilitating market access for medical devices in the UK post-Brexit.

Responsibilities of the UKRP

2.1 Regulatory Compliance

One of the primary responsibilities of the UKRP is to ensure that medical devices placed on the UK market comply with the MDR and relevant UK regulations. This involves verifying the device’s conformity with essential requirements, overseeing technical documentation, and conducting post-market surveillance activities to monitor device performance and safety.

2.2 Device Registration

The UKRP is responsible for registering medical devices with the MHRA’s new UK Conformity Assessed (UKCA) scheme. This involves preparing and submitting the necessary documentation, including the Declaration of Conformity and the Technical File, to demonstrate compliance with applicable regulations. The UKRP ensures that the device meets the UKCA marking requirements before it can be placed on the UK market.

2.3 Communication with Regulatory Authorities

The UKRP acts as a liaison between the manufacturer and the MHRA. They are responsible for communicating any changes or updates regarding the device, such as design modifications, labeling revisions, or adverse events, to the regulatory authorities. This ensures transparency and enables prompt response to any regulatory inquiries or requests.

Qualifications and Expertise

The UKRP must possess the necessary qualifications and expertise to fulfill their role effectively. They should have a deep understanding of medical device regulations, including the MDR and UKCA requirements. Additionally, they should have knowledge of the specific device types and their associated technical aspects to ensure accurate assessment of conformity and compliance.

Impact on Market Access

The appointment of a UKRP is a critical step for manufacturers outside the UK to continue placing their devices on the UK market. Failure to designate a UKRP can result in market access challenges, as the MHRA requires an authorized representative within the UK to ensure compliance with regulatory obligations. Having a UKRP streamlines the regulatory process, facilitates communication with authorities, and enables manufacturers to maintain seamless market access.


The role of the UK Responsible Person (UKRP) in medical device regulation is vital for manufacturers outside the UK seeking to enter the UK market. Their responsibilities encompass regulatory compliance, device registration, and communication with regulatory authorities.

By designating a qualified UKRP, manufacturers can ensure smooth market access and compliance with the requirements of the Medical Device Regulation.

Understanding the significance of the UKRP and their role in the regulatory landscape is crucial for manufacturers to navigate the UK market successfully.



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