Weekly Updates July 24th

Albiona Hoti
Webiny Blog
Published in
4 min readJul 24, 2020

🆕 What’s New In Webiny 4.6.0?

Our weekly release is here! This week we introduced a couple of improvements and fixes in different areas in Webiny. Let’s check them out!

🚀 Features

Add support for CMS hooks via plugins (#1142)
Until now, there was no way to trigger a webhook when a content entry was updated or deleted. In this release, we’ve added support for hook plugins, which will allow you to hook into the CMS Data Manager, process entry-update and entry-delete events, and trigger whatever logic you want webhook, Slack notification, or something else.

⬇️ Try the Latest Release

Start creating your serverless applications with Webiny.
Follow our Quick Start article, which will guide you through the initial set up steps.

Just in case you’ve missed it, if you’d like to check out the full changelog, you can do that here.

🙌 Community Updates

📚Knowledge sharing

Single Page Applications With Webiny
In this session, we will be covering how Webiny enables us to create two main types of Single Page Applications (SPAs): full Client-Side Rendered (CSR) applications and applications that are utilizing a technique known as Server-Side-Rendering (SSR), in order to make them visible to search engine and social media web crawlers.

Starting off with a brief introduction to SPAs, we will see what they are, how they work, and their main advantages and disadvantages. We’ll also take a look at different approaches when it comes to rendering on the web in general.
Once we have this fundamental knowledge, we’ll learn how Webiny approaches SPAs and how it overcomes some of the issues previously
seen — both on the cloud architecture level and in the actual code.

SPAs With Webiny

App Development With Webiny
If you are interested to learn how to develop apps with Webiny, in this session, we’ll get to know the structure of the app, how it is bundled, and how to make reusable react app templates.

Apps in Webiny are just like any other React app. No difference from regular create-react-app, but with more freedom. ⭐️

You can use the default bundling utilities, tweak configs, or replace bundling logic completely. Last but not least, the Webiny apps are ready for the SSR. We provide services for SSR set up for you; you just need to deploy your app.

Check our knowledge-sharing session below to get hands-on Webiny apps.

App Development With Webiny

Get Started with Webiny
If you are just getting started with Webiny, follow our Get Started YouTube videos below.

Get Started With Webiny

🤝🏽 Get Involved

We encourage everyone to get involved and contribute, regardless of their experience level. Read the contributing guide, and if you still run into problems, just give us a ping on Slack, we will help you out.

Our development team is on standby to help your in-house team to learn and adopt Webiny — all free of cost!

🚀 We are hiring

We are looking for a member to join our team.
If you are interested? Apply for the Full-Stack JavaScript Engineer role.

Since we are a small team, in this role, you’ll have a significant opportunity to directly influence the technical and product design choices we will make.

📺 Webiny Updates

We have redesigned and published some of our pages with additional content. Check out our features page to learn how Webiny is a single platform for all of your serverless use-cases.

We never stop upgrading our product and we work with the community to identify what features they would like to see implemented in future releases.

⚡️We are Introducing Webiny Control Panel

We have a mission to empower developers and organizations to build serverless applications. As the next step in our mission, we want to bring Webiny even closer to our audience.

Webiny Control Panel will be our first commercial product and it will greatly complement our open-source offering.

Here are some of its features.

  • Management interface — Using Webiny Control Panel (WCP) manage all your projects and teams from a single place.
  • Create projects through a UI— Creating new Webiny projects takes only a few mouse clicks.
  • Manage your team and permissions — Place team members in groups. Set group permissions and projects they can access.
  • CI/CD is built-in— WCP comes with CI/CD built-in. Any change to your code repository automatically triggers a build.
  • Hosted on your own AWS cloud— Projects created through WCP get deployed to your own AWS cloud. You own all of your data, networking, and have full control over the security access.
  • Reporting and monitoring — WCP will tell you how much a certain project is costing you in terms of your AWS resources. You can set alerts and budget limits ensuring things don’t go out of hand.

Check out our Roadmap Page for more details.

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