Data sharing with WEBKNOSSOS

Permissions, collaborative annotations, and public access

Albane le Tournoulx de la Villegeorges
4 min readApr 24, 2023


In this tutorial, you will discover how to efficiently manage and share your data in WEBKNOSSOS. You will learn how to effortlessly upload your data, securely store it, and easily share it with your collaborators using a simple link. I will also guide you through the process of granting access permissions to designated collaborator teams, and show you how to work collaboratively on annotations. Finally, I will explain how you can make your data publicly available and share it with the wider world. Let’s dive in and unlock the power of data collaboration!


To add a dataset, go to the “Dataset” tab and click on “Add Dataset”. Give your dataset a name, choose which teams will have access to it, and a target folder to organize the dataset into a collection.

Configuring settings for your new dataset.

Drag and drop your files in one of the many supported formats, and, if necessary, set the voxel size. Finally, click on “Upload” to complete the process.

Dragging and dropping the files to upload the dataset.


Copy the link to your dataset, and share it with your colleagues via your preferred application for them to easily access and open it (e.g., email, Slack, MS Teams, etc.).

Copying the sharing link of a WEBKNOSSOS dataset. Accessing the dataset by simply clicking on the link sent via email.


To organize your project, create a new folder and add the corresponding datasets. Folders can help with organizing and structuring datasets as you grow, as well as control access rights to the datasets.

Creating a new folder and adding datasets to it.

Go to the team tab. Click on “add team” and choose a name for your team.

Creating a new team.

Add members by setting the Teams and Permissions for each user.

Adding members by setting the Teams and Permissions for each user.

Edit the folder settings to allow access only to the designated team.

Editing the folder settings to allow access only to the designated team.


To share an annotation with collaborators, click “Share” from the dropdown menu. Choose one or several teams for which this annotation should be listed and adjust the settings to allow editing.

Accessing the sharing modal, selecting teams for which this annotation should be listed, and adjusting editing permissions.

All users assigned to these teams now have access to this annotation right from their dashboard. They can now edit and expand on your work.

The annotation is appearing in the collaborators’ annotation list. The collaborators can start editing.


To share your dataset publicly, i.e. without requiring a WEBKNOSSOS account or login, navigate to the settings and adjust the visibility to ‘public’. Once done, copy the dataset link and include it in your publication or freely share it with others.

Making a dataset public by changing its visibility.

If you would like your dataset to be featured on the WEBKNOSSOS publications page, just send us an email at, and we’ll be happy to upload your data!

Opening a dataset from the featured publication page.

We hope this tutorial has helped you understand the data sharing capabilities of WEBKNOSSOS better! Don’t hesitate to try out what you’ve learned on For more tutorials and updates on new features, follow us on Twitter or Mastodon!

