Albane le Tournoulx de la Villegeorges
4 min readFeb 13, 2023


10 years ago, we started developing WEBKNOSSOS in very close collaboration with the Max Planck Institute for Brain Research. At first, it was designed as a specialized software for a narrow problem space. Today, we are very proud of what we have achieved: WEBKNOSSOS is a highly advanced tool for visualizing, sharing, and annotating large 3D images, particularly useful for electron microscopy and neuroscience. Its development is ongoing and active, with a focus on expanding its capabilities, (for example to support multi-modal microscopy and time-series, see our roadmap), as well as becoming a more versatile tool for many fields of life sciences.



We redesigned our brand to better reflect our identity as a young, experienced and innovative team. We are committed to advancing life sciences research through our cutting-edge and open-core product. We felt that the previous design failed to effectively convey these key aspects of our company, so we went looking for a new visual identity.


  1. LOGO & FONT

At first, we considered replacing our clover logo with a stylized “W” to better align with the name “WEBKNOSSOS.” This felt like a more logical and fitting symbol for our brand and would avoid any confusion or distraction caused by the previous clover logo which had no relation to our product.

Previous logo of WEBKNOSSOS

After a brainstorming session with our whole team, three of us started making designs for a “W” logo. A lot of designs… until we decided that incorporating a “W” alongside the word “WEBKNOSSOS” resulted in a redundant aesthetic and that the “W” designs were not specific enough to our tool.

Brainstorming session

Thus, we decided to approach the logo design process differently, opting for a more abstract and open-ended approach. We eventually landed on the idea of using a simplified, stylized representation of a dendrite, emanating from a circle. On top of focusing on our tool and its origins in the field of neuroscience, this playful shape reflects the imaginative and creative team that we are.

New logo: abstract dendrite emanating from a circle


To fit this logo, we aimed to find a highly-readable sans-serif typeface that complements the round and curvy aspect of the logo while also conveying trust and competence through its readability. We decided to go for the typeface “Nunito”, which also works well on the UI of WEBKNOSSOS as well as on our website.

New logo with text


We then moved on to figuring out the colors. We wanted to show that we are not simply an average developer team, but one that has a unique style and a forward-thinking mindset. We narrowed it down to two options: one that looks original and unexpected for the science and research world, and another one, more traditional, but still fresh and modern.

Two color options: one complementary color scheme with dark pink and mint and one analogous scheme with different shades of blue.

In the end, we decided to go with the second option. Even though it was more traditional, we felt like it was a better fit for our company and the scientific research field.


We hope that when you see our new brand online, you will think of a skilled and imaginative team that approaches the complexities of life sciences with creative solutions, all while never compromising on technological excellence.

Follow us on Twitter to get more updates about the constant evolution of WEBKNOSSOS!

