Promising AI App Ideas To Achieve Success in 2022

Vikrant Bhalodia
Published in
5 min readMay 20, 2022
AI App Ideas

The demand for AI has increased significantly over the last few years, and it is a new technology that has applications in almost every industry across the globe. Tractica carried out market research in 2020 and forecasted that the global AI market will be worth $126 billion by 2025.

This is just one impressive statistic to think about investing in an intelligent enterprise with AI-enabled. Did you know? A software imbued with artificial intelligence showcases fewer errors than its human counterparts.

In a few years, AI will be the pillar on which businesses to be built. For enterprises to stay competitive and relevant, they will constantly look for AI-driven ideas. For this, you may also hire AI services to get the technology implemented in your business ideas.

We have got you covered if you are planning to start a venture and looking for some inspiration. Together we will go over some of the top AI business ideas for you to understand what would work best for you.

Top 10 AI-based business ideas and find what works for you

  • Virtual Assistant Business

Work from home is the new normal for businesses, increasing the demand for virtual assistants. A virtual assistant business offers numerous benefits, one of which is less overhead costs to start one. You need to have a decent AI algorithm to design a seamless functionality for your app.

Virtual assistant establishes data models with the help of advanced RPA, machine learning, AI and NLP. This business idea will be a good investment option since the global market size is expected to expand further in the coming years.

  • IoT startup

The IoT business is already mainstream today, and it used to be a supplement once but is now a principal business functionality. This is how it has emerged as one of the main drivers of business growth. Businesses strive to find new solutions and applications every day in several areas, like cloud robots, anomaly detection, etc.

IoT is efficient since it can leverage sensor technology, whereas AI allows it to analyze available data smartly.

  • Tax Return Service

Tax filing is one of the most frustrating tasks, especially in our country, India. However, the adoption of AI has reached the government sector as well. The technology makes it easy for people to handle this circuitous process without fearing that they would miss minute details.

The process of tax returns includes a huge amount of data, and this is where machine learning comes into the picture. Though it cannot completely carry out the task without human intervention, the technology makes it easy with seamless integration.

  • Automated Recruitment Business

AI technology is not new to the recruitment industry, but it lags in several aspects. There are plenty of AI-powered recruitment apps that reduce a candidate’s profile by only keeping a yes or no option valid. As a new business, you can build an app that provides recruiters with more detailed opportunities for effective recruitment.

  • Cyber-Security Application Business

If you are passionate about going after the digital goons, then developing an AI-powered app for cyber security is just what you need. Digitalization is enabling more cybercrimes, and hence, the demand for cyber security apps has risen. The use of AI is compelling for cybersecurity apps since every three out of four executives say and believe that AI enables a quick response to cyber attacks.

  • E-learning Application Business

With the world going digital more and more, eLearning will be the new normal soon in the education industry. Though, as is the case with any other unconventional app, this one too has certain drawbacks. Several issues are becoming significant concerns like impersonal approach leveraged while training, letting machines decide what is ideal for the students, etc.

AI helps bridge this gap efficiently by correctly identifying the diverse and subtle needs of the students.

  • Subscription-Based Delivery Apps

Delivery apps based on subscriptions have gained tremendous popularity with business owners since they efficiently help overcome the lacunae of other models. The experience of business growth becomes conductive with AI, and this is because it enables the application by providing a personal discovery experience for the consumers.

Furthermore, it helps optimize the operational strategies for businesses with the help of predictive analytics for business owners.

  • Vulnerability Detection Application

The vulnerability detection process is critical since it helps prevent the manipulation of codes. Limited time and resources make software engineers take the support applications that help automate the process. Typically, a vulnerability scanner leverages a database to compare the details of the target attack surface.

With the help of machine learning algorithms, you can find an application solution to optimize the process and scale it further. Hire AI services to make the most of the industry.

  • A Personal Shopping Assistant

Personal shopping assistants are nowadays helping businesses make more profits. They do this by cutting middlemen and offering consumers a customized in-store experience. AI has made this affordable; otherwise, the feature is available at a hefty price.

AI has made it interesting for business owners since they get to know information about their inventory without any human intervention. The technology helps connect consumers’ purchase history to the recommendations of manufacturers to help consumers make an informed choice.

  • Online Poker Playing Business

This one is a fun app idea, but the business is not so funny. Poker games have attracted a lot of attention in the world of AI. Unlike the go and chess, poker game depends significantly on the prediction of opponents’ cards. Predictive analytics help sort out several problems by using artificial intelligence. Such issues include uncertainty and uncertainties majorly.

With AI, poker will no more be limited to a game of cards but will soon evolve into a game of algorithms. If you can predict what is coming your way, consider yourself lucky.


The more you learn about AI and its algorithms, the more you will know how it is benefitting businesses these days. Having an AI-powered business idea is one of the most incredible things today, and this will take you a long way further. Hire an AI development company to help you get the latest app solution built. Several tops AI companies and startups are already proving to everyone by outperforming in the market. It is one of the significant reasons to believe in AI, and it will be even more prominent a few years from now.



Vikrant Bhalodia

Head of HR & People Ops with 15+ yrs of multi-functional expertise across Sales & Marketing, Consulting, Web Content Mgt., Operations & HRM at @WeblineIndia