8 Reasons to Use Java for Mobile App Development

Vikrant Bhalodia
Published in
5 min readSep 3, 2021
Java for Mobile App Development
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Java is a specialist’s language when it comes to the development of web and mobile applications. The language enjoys significant advantages over other languages and environments, making it suitable for any programming-related task. The language runs on over 5.5 billion devices and is used specifically for the development of android apps. However, it can also be used to develop iOS apps.

That said, to develop high-performing mobile apps with greater ease, Java development is the most common option leveraged. According to Slashdot, the total number of Java developers located across the world counts over 8 million. Taking this into account, every year, almost 0.5 million new coders join the Java community.

Why Use Java for Your Mobile App?

When choosing a development language for your app, you need to ensure that the language is selected after weighing the pros and cons. The language plays a significant role in the seamless operation of your mobile app and enables the developers to get the best out of it.

Java is one of the most famous languages used to develop applications since the applications developed using Java have cross-platform compatibility. As far as mobile app development is concerned, you need to make the best choice so that your mobile app stands out from others.

Java for mobile app development is an all-time favourite since it offers several benefits and is highly preferred over other available languages.

Benefits of Using Java

  • Object-Oriented Programming:

The primary benefit of using Java for developing android applications is that it offers the concept of OOPs (object-oriented programming). The language is proficient more than expected since it is extensible, scalable and adaptable. Java comes with a rich library of default design patterns and several other best practices that come with it.

The language gets adapted to the growth of your mobile app since it’s an open-source language. This enables the developers to make reusable codes and modular projects.

  • Open-Source Programming Language:

Java is an amazing programming language since it provides a great collection of open-source libraries that reduces the amount spent on developing applications and the speed at which applications are produced. Java resembles the human language to a great extent since it is a high-level programming language. The high-level languages have to be translated using translators. Hence, java application development gets simplified.

That said, this process makes it easy for developers to write, read and maintain a language. Java has significantly dominated a highly relevant portion of the market by offering developers several opportunities to work on.

  • Powerful Development Tools:

Java programming language comes with a collection of excellent programming tools that make app development easy for developers. It has several famous development tools that include Netbeans, Eclipse, and many more. The powerful tools of Java make this programming language the first choice of app developers that provide Java development services.

The toolsets of Java assist the developers in coding and provide them with the ability to debug.

  • Community Support to Developers:

Android developers who use Java programming language can acquire genuine knowledge of the programming language from other developers in the community. It enables the network to grow. The developer group is constructive and shares insights and other valuable data associated with the development process to help beginner developers to enhance their app development skills using Java.

No matter if you are looking forward to fixing a problem or carrying out a conversation, experienced and expert developers always welcome your thoughts.

  • Independent and Compatible Platform:

Java is a programming language independent of all platforms and can be used for multiple operating systems. Hence, Java is a popular choice for developing mobile apps. As compared to the other languages, they don’t have a platform independence feature. It is one of the major reasons why this language has opened doors for several new technologies. As said, the language has accomplished the tagline, “write once, run anywhere”, in a real sense.

  • Easy to Learn and Use Language:

When we talk about mobile app development, the programming language has a steep learning curve, and it is one of the primary reasons behind choosing Java. It becomes challenging to make a programming language productive in a shorter period.

Similar to English, punctuations are used in this programming language, and it also has some excellent characters. Also, developers can get started with Java for free. To create mobile apps using Java, a huge investment is not required.

  • Build Robust and Secure Mobile Apps:

When it comes to the design of a mobile app, security is its integral aspect. Keeping security in mind, all other programming languages are developed, including the interpreter, compiler, and runtime environment. A lot of concentration is put on testing to ensure potential early errors are caught.

Java is the first choice of android app developers because of ease of use, robustness, security features, and cross-platform development capabilities.

  • Low Investment:

High return on investment is something that businesses strive for. It is only possible with the high success rate of executed mobile apps. Hence, we recommend hiring a mobile app development company that offers development services at cost-effective rates and caters to all your requirements. They can build high-performing apps at lower costs.

For all your requirements related to mobile app development, you should always ensure to hire the best Android app developers. They are the best people who can build the best-suited apps for your business.


Java is a dynamic and extensible platform that makes coding easy for developers. We strongly recommend hiring Java development services whenever you want to get an android app developed. No other choice can be as good as Java when it comes to mobile app development. It is a portable analyzed language that can run much faster, similar to the Native machine languages such as C++. With so many advantages noted, there is no reason why you shouldn’t choose Java to get your next mobile app developed.



Vikrant Bhalodia

Head of HR & People Ops with 15+ yrs of multi-functional expertise across Sales & Marketing, Consulting, Web Content Mgt., Operations & HRM at @WeblineIndia