Angular vs. Vue.JS: Which is the Best JavaScript Framework of 2021?

Vikrant Bhalodia
Published in
5 min readJun 30, 2021
Angular vs. Vue.JS

Technology is evolving at a rapid pace, and so is the web development landscape. Javascript frameworks are rolling their release out every year to cope with the rapid changes of the development industry. As a result, the Front-end development scenario has changed a lot, and it has transformed into highly functional experiences and interfaces and unique UIs.

Ever since its release, Javascript frameworks have come a long way and are still evolving. With several frameworks available in the market, it becomes difficult to decide which one to choose. When it comes to the most popular frameworks, Angular and Vue are the two, which often leave the developers confused about which one to choose.

Today, let us know the significant point of difference between Angular and Vue.

Angular Vs. Vue — Overview

Angular is one of the most famous Javascript framework platforms that make the development of single-page applications effortless. This framework is mature and relishes the amazing backing of a vast and efficient team of contributors. Developers consider Angular as a platform since it offers full-stack solutions for the requirements of mobile app development.

Vue is a new framework that has emerged as one of the most popular JavaScript front-end frameworks. This is because it has all the required functionalities and components that make the app development project efficient and smooth. The framework started as a standalone project, but now it has evolved and gathered the support of an entire team of contributors who help enhance the framework.

How does it Work?

Vue.js is a front-end javascript framework that concentrates on the “View” factor of the mobile app development project. The MVVM architecture pattern inspires it. Vue.js links the DOM along with the view part with the Model-view part and the view instance while creating vue app. Vue.js uses a data binding system to bind the two parts. The data present in the view instance is the model part and provides the application with its required data.

Angular is a JavaScript platform as it offers a full-stack solution for the development of mobile apps. No matter what the needs are, it helps develop applications with greater ease. Google supports and backs this platform. In addition, Angular is also one of the most systematic and structured front-end frameworks compared to others available in the market. It functions on the MVC structure and has all required functions and components to offer full-stack solutions for mobile apps.

Pros and Cons


Angular Logo


  • Provides great support for the integration of third-party apps.
  • AOT Compiler
  • Rapid Load Times.
  • Great dependency injections.
  • The frameworks are entirely customizable.

Also Read: Advantages and Disadvantages of AngularJs


  • The learning curve of this platform is steep.
  • Poor accessibility and limited scope for SEO.
  • Not ideal for basic application solutions.


Vue.JS Logo


  • Supports rendering of virtual DOM.
  • Reactive data-binding from two ways.
  • Capabilities of getting integrated and highly flexible.
  • Perfect for applications of smaller sizes.
  • Concise documentation.


  • Has limited resources available.
  • The flexibility of codes can sometimes be excessive.
  • Lacks support for projects of larger scales.
  • Cannot support the mobile version completely.
  • Not many experienced experts of Vue.js.
  • Performance Metrics
Performance Metrics
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As far as the performance of any mobile or web application is concerned, the level of performance is affected by DOM directly. However, when it comes to Vue.js, it works with Virtual DOM, reflecting the real DOM changes only on the elements modified by the developers. On the contrary, Angular uses real DOM to render complete websites or application pages even when a single component is changed.

The virtual DOM used by Vur.js makes it a better and efficient choice that accelerates the app’s capabilities.

  • Compatibility with Templates

As far as templating using both Angular and Vue.js is considered, the syntax is more or less identical. There are only slight differences in the templating engines for evaluating objects, arrays, and JSON data.

  • Complexity Level

At the level of design and API, it is easy to manage Vue as compared to Angular. Anyone with a basic understanding of HTML, CSS, and Javascript can use Vue to develop single-page applications with greater ease in less than a day. That said, Angular is more complex than Vue at the API and design level.

While using Angular, developers are required to go through the docs of Angular and spend a gruesome amount of time understanding the core concepts. New developers cannot effectively use Angular and build applications easily. They will have to spend a good amount of time learning the application.

  • Community Support
Community Support
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Vue.js community support of Vue.js is great, and it helps both seasoned and fresh developers grow in their field. A lot of value is brought in the community by experienced developers, and they help other developers present in the community to grow.

The community of Angular is considerably vast as well. The developers can join the community of Angular developers to know various tips and tricks for the easy development of applications and websites. Hence, Angular app development becomes easy with the support of a large community.

Final Thoughts

The world of web development is not static. Things keep changing, and when it comes to the web development frameworks, both Angular and Vue.js frameworks perform equally well at some points. Whereas in others, one may outperform the other. If you need to get a web or mobile application developed, leave the decision of picking the best framework for the Java development company you have hired. If not yet hired, hire one so that experienced developers can end the dilemma of choosing Angular or Vue.js.



Vikrant Bhalodia

Head of HR & People Ops with 15+ yrs of multi-functional expertise across Sales & Marketing, Consulting, Web Content Mgt., Operations & HRM at @WeblineIndia