How To Build an Amazing Software Development Team for Your Startup?

Vikrant Bhalodia
Published in
7 min readApr 27, 2021

Startups face multiple risks and hence it requires a highly efficient marketing staff and a strong software development team. A custom software development company can either take your business to the top or bring it down to the bottom. Hence, you need a highly technical and reliable software development team that supports a common goal i.e. to grow your venture.

The process of developing software is entirely different for startups from that of an established business. This is because startups don’t have significant experience in developing groundbreaking software solutions.

Hence for a startup, hiring and building a high-performing software development team is stressful. According to CB Insights,​ almost a quarter of startups fail because they don’t have an efficient team in place. Apart from building a talented team, startups also need to maintain a healthy work culture to achieve excellence.

Don’t worry our post has got you covered. In this post, we have shared tips that will help your startup build a fantastic software development team that will take your business a notch up.

Plan Your Budget for Your Software Development Team

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As a startup, you might be short of cash flows in the beginning. Hence, you need to keep in mind the latest technology, infrastructure, and project requirements to build your engineers’ team. Once you do that, you would be able to gauge how much you need to spend on the resource and infrastructure part. This exercise will also help you to gauge how and when you need to scale up your software development team and infrastructure.

Establish a Favorable Company Culture

You need to create a work culture that helps your software development team to excel in projects. Besides, you need to entrust your employees and motivate them to take ownership of tasks assigned and make apt decisions. You also need to ensure that your team is driven by passion, patience, and resilience and that they’re driven by a single goal. Having said that, you can hire an agile scrum team ​ and assign roles​ that enable the creation of a thriving atmosphere.

Have a Concrete Hiring Plan for Agile Scrum Team

For having a technically strong agile scrum team, you need to have a robust hiring plan. Your hiring plan should include hiring team members in the hierarchy right from the senior to the fresher level. You also have to think about how many resources you’d want to allocate to the project, the number of hours your potential resources would spend, and the salaries you’d offer.

Hire Software Developers who are Skilled and Experienced

Hire Software Developers
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The thought of heading over to college campuses and recruiting fresh graduates is overwhelming. They will happily accept entry-level salaries. However, a startup must hire software developers ​ who bring their​ experience and knowledge to the table. Experienced software developers are subject matter experts with vast experience in software development and collaborating with them will help you deliver satisfactory results. One thing you must keep in mind while finding and hiring talent is that you are not recruiting for an already scaling company. You are hiring for what your startup will become.

Also read our related post on,
5 Things Every Startup Should Know about
Hiring Software Developers

Never Neglect Soft Skills

Suppose you make the mistake of hiring a software developer who’s excellent at his/her job but lacks people and communication skills; then he/she might end up proving out as a wrong recruit.

Just as hard skills are vital for the project to keep going, soft skills such as communication, leadership, and negotiation are critical for your startup’s success. Your team members should interact adequately, honor each other, and should manage conflicts. Soft skills help people to work in harmony.

Equip the Software Development Process with Appropriate Tools

When you automate routine tasks, you give your software development team the proficiency of concentrating on more complex problems. Work closely with your team to identify what they need to work efficiently and choose tools that enable effective collaboration and communication. Some tools that you must plan to use could be security, customer relationship management, project management, testing, and release management tools.

Establish a Work Schedule Everyone is Happy With

Establish a Work Schedule
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You will face such times when deadlines are approaching, and you need to meet them. In such a scenario, you must ensure that your software development team doesn’t get overwhelmed with the work. You can do this by setting up a schedule that furnishes your development team with enough hours to complete their delegated tasks.

Besides, they should also get enough time for rejuvenation and recoup. Also, it will be beneficial if you offer flexible timing to your team. Many studies show that people are often wired to give their best when allowed to work at different times of the day.

Along with that, you should also offer performance incentives and yearly bonuses to make your team feel valued.

Also read our interesting Guide for StartUps on Offshore Software Development

Invest in the Development of Your Software Development Team

Support your employee’s overall development by granting them allowances for courses. This will keep them updated with the latest tools and technologies. The investment made in enhancing your team’s skills will show up eventually in the work they produce.

Look For Passion, Energy and Complementary Skills

People who love their work and can walk the extra mile to accomplish a task will always help you push your goals. Besides, you can also look for people with complementary skills. Ideally, you should hire people who have a unique skill set. A team with staff that has complementary skills works best. Having said that, look for people with whom you can work well and those who share a similar vision as yours.

Consider Full Stack Developers for your Agile Scrum Team

A startup should recruit people who know the job. This way, it becomes easy for you to manage your agile scrum team. Hiring full-stack developers for your custom software development company is a worthy choice to get started with. They’ll take care of both your front-end and back-end.

Invest in Problem-Solving and Communication

Conflicts between software developers may result in severe hurdles for the efficiency and performance of the entire team. Consider taking explicit measures to resolve disputes and manage your scrum development team proactively. For instance, if you have a scrum team member with considerable talent but poor work ethic, the cooperation will not work out as expected no matter how hard you try.

Hire a Core Scrum Development Team

In the beginning, all that matters is the core team. The only people you should hire are those​ with skills you can’t do without. We recommend hiring the scrum development team. You can add other roles at a later stage when the startup progresses.

If you start hiring broadly or without a specific reason, you will end up wasting money and other resources that could have been used more wisely to help your startup grow. Hence, hire only those people whom you need.

Get Smart About Managing Things

You are aware that collecting data will enable you to make smarter decisions about marketing, pricing, software features, and several other facets of your business. Have you started using data to manage your agile scrum team as well? Several savvy managers already use data about their team members’ traits and statistical models to enable their teams to excel in the quality of work delivered and productivity.

Build Emotional Safety and Trust

The best software development teams encompass members who feel free to communicate through their minds. Whenever they face a shortcoming or problem, they are aware that it should be brought to light, without fearing retribution or ridicule. Emotional safety enhances the confidence level of your team, improves productivity, and strengthens the relationship. Give the liberty of sharing their inputs to all your employees, make them comprehend that their views are respected and that you take them seriously. An agile software development team with scrum master will help you inculcate a feeling of trust and would do your job without any bottlenecks.

The Final Thought

You have evaluated a pool of candidates as thoroughly as you could. After checking references and weighing the available options carefully, you did everything to ensure recruiting a scrum software developmentteam that​ would work well along with you and achieve goals. You have evaluated a pool of candidates as thoroughly as you could.

Build a sense of belonging amongst your employees and reward them on their achievements. Communicate with your software development team thoroughly and strive to solve their problems. Look for people who share your vision and goals. All the best! Happy searching!

Originally published at on April 27, 2021.



Vikrant Bhalodia

Head of HR & People Ops with 15+ yrs of multi-functional expertise across Sales & Marketing, Consulting, Web Content Mgt., Operations & HRM at @WeblineIndia