What is React Native Development, Advantages and Disadvantages?

Vikrant Bhalodia
Published in
2 min readApr 13, 2018
Photo by Gustas Brazaitis on Unsplash

What is React Native?

React Native is a framework based on JSX (extension to JavaScript), ES6 based syntax, state and props. It is a JavaScript framework for writing real, natively rendering mobile apps for platforms like iOS and Android. It is based on React which is Facebook’s JavaScript library for building user interfaces, but it targets mobile platforms instead of targeting the browser.

The React Native allows the app developer to create react app for mobiles by using JSX (extension to Javascript), ES6 based syntax. Fundamental process of React Native is to put together the UI building blocks with the help of JavaScript and React to create react app for mobiles. Since the process is similar to that of creating mobile apps on iOS and Android, the end result is a feature rich UI of mobile apps. The working behind the React Native app is almost similar to ReactJS. ‘Learn once and write anywhere’ is the principle to create React apps and which is also true for React Native Development.

Advantages of React Native

  • Mobile app can be built with the help of Web technology which enables any web developer to easily enhance his/her skills and create React apps.
  • React Native helps in building cross platform mobile apps.
  • Saves time and cost to build mobile apps on multiple platforms.
  • Building blocks which are used in iOS and Android apps are also used while creating React Native based apps which means that React Native is a mobile framework that compiles app components for native mobile applications in JavaScript.
  • A React Native app ensures speed and agility for the mobile apps with responsiveness and a great native app based user experience.

A real-world famous React Native Example is Instagram. There are many other big names in the business for React Native Example like Wal-Mart, Facebook Ads, Townske, Delivery.com etc.

Disadvantages of React Native

  • Facebook’s long term commitment to React Native is still not clear.
  • The Patent Rights of the platform are also slightly unclear.
  • Businesses that require any Type A security like Banking apps or Finance management apps will need to look at additional precautions.
  • One major drawback of JavaScript is no support for decimals. This could cause some serious problems for mobile apps that needs any kind of computation.


Overall, businesses have started considering React Native development for developing cross platform mobile apps, as the platform offers many advantages which also includes considerable cost and time savings. Additionally it is an Open Source platform which also allow integration of third party plugins.



Vikrant Bhalodia

Head of HR & People Ops with 15+ yrs of multi-functional expertise across Sales & Marketing, Consulting, Web Content Mgt., Operations & HRM at @WeblineIndia