Why do you need an Offshore Development Team for your Projects?

Vikrant Bhalodia
Published in
7 min readFeb 26, 2021

Are you yet to try the capabilities of offshore development services? Don’t wait anymore! Nowadays one of the most effective approaches for businesses to enhance the quality of a project. Offshore teams ensure that the business process stays consistent throughout. If you are battling to decide whether or not to hire an offshore company, this comprehensive guide is for you. Achieve your goals with the assistance of offshore development companies.

Businesses are hiring offshore teams more nowadays due to a variety of reasons. Companies need to pursue a few goals and keep the objectives in mind; when they hire offshore development teams. When there are so many options, an offshore company must strive hard to carve a niche for themselves in the market.

They work by being closer to the clients so that their requirements are fulfilled. The offshore development teams must satisfy their clients in the market. The companies mainly pursue the following goals:

  • Reduction of costs
  • Obtaining a legal entity overseas
  • Hiring a significantly bigger team containing varied specialists
  • Other security measures

Find a reliable service provider and know why you should start looking for one right away!

What is the difference between NearShore, OffShore and OnShore?

According to Statista, the size of the outsourcing company was about $45.6 B in 2000 to $85.6 B in 2018. Let’s understand what is Nearshore, Onshore and Offshore.

Nearshore: It refers to having your preferred outsourcing partner in the neighbouring country which is a short distance away.

Offshore: It refers to having a software company in a country with different time zone.

OnShore: It refers to having a software company in the same country or region.

The beauty of being in the software development industry is that you don’t need to have an inhouse software development team. You can always hire resources from a nearshore, onshore or offshore team depending upon your convenience.

How Does an Offshore Development Team Work?

The offshore software development team uses agile methodology that helps them build a clear framework that promotes iterative development, team collaboration, and clear communication. They work towards a common goal i.e. to deliver the best experience to clients like you.

Along with that, they understand your exact requirements. Most of the developers are analytical, organized and thorough people. If you tell them what you want and how you see your project, they will work hard to deliver a product based on your specifications.

Why More and More Companies opt for Offshore Development Services?

Companies are opting for offshore development services as they’re reliable, secured, affordable and have the required expertise you require. Plus most of the offshore development team can align themselves to your work style and vision, they are easy to work with.

To simply put, a lot of time, effort and capital goes in building software products or teams that will help software companies to outstand their competitors. Especially the companies that might not have the most skilled recruiters to hire the best resources.

By opting for an offshore development team, they ensure that they would get the most skilled developers at low cost as well as can free themselves from the hassle for sourcing and hiring them.

How to Find the Perfect Offshore Development Team

As the norm is shifting towards a remote first approach, more and more people are opting for software development outsourcing. Following are some salient features you must check before hiring an offshore development team.

  • Vision, culture and engagement

See if their vision, mission and values are aligned with yours. Communicate your goals and expectations and see if they can accommodate the same.

  • Expertise

A lot of problems could occur between you and your offshore software development company. Some clients don’t want several iterations while the others do. Hence, it’s important to check whether you’re outsourcing has the required skill set or not. It saves yours as well as the company’s time.

  • Communicate effectively

Communication is the key when you outsource software development services to an offshore team. You need to ensure that you’re correctly communicating your needs. Besides, you need to create an environment where the offshore outsourcing software development company too has a say.

  • Helps you scale your business

It goes without saying that a business is bound to scale. When you have a good business, your requirements would only increase. In such a case, an offshore software development company helps you a lot. You can ask the team to provide the man hours and resources you need and can upscale or downscale according to your needs.

Read also : How to build an Offshore Software Development Team

With that said, Here are the reasons why you need an offshore development team for your project.

Reduction of costs

People generally choose to hire offshore development teams at places where the expenses are less than other places. Also, you will not have to pay for office maintenance and other expenses for the efficient working of your own team. The cost of hiring offshore teams varies based on the location where they are situated. You can try a few different options to gauge the prices before finalising a team. Moreover, it is believed that a company can save almost 34% of costs by hiring offshore developers.

Security Measures

There are instances when several teams work together at the same time and place side by side. In such a situation, it is hard to maintain the confidentiality of the tasks. You may have a secret project where you are required to keep every information private. Offshore development teams are a perfect solution for such projects. Approach an offshore firm and get all your tasks done.

Increased Productivity and Reduced Time

You will experience enhanced productivity in every task done. Also, a lot of your time would be saved at the same time. Time is crucial since you have to deal with other tasks as well. With an offshore development team, you will not have to focus on other project management activities that don’t require your intervention. All such activities will be looked after by your vendor company.

You will not have to invest your time and resources on new employees; the vendor company again offloads this headache from your shoulder. As a result, you’ll be ready to focus more on your work.


Flexibility is one of the primary concerns that companies have to face with respect to their in-house teams. It is usually because the companies face difficulties either while scaling their teams or modifying the technology stack.

Such changes are very common in a startup company. By outsourcing your development projects, you will have the flexibility of conveniently moving developers between projects. They are incredibly flexible when companies collaborate with them. Hiring an offshore team will give you the flexibility of picking developers for different projects according to your needs.

Get access to a pool of talents

When you hire an in-house team, you get only what you hire. By hiring an offshore team, you get a diverse pool of talent. Developers also feel comfortable there as the companies offer attractive packages, enormous facilities, perks, job security, etc.

On the contrary, working in a startup company implies a huge risk. Outsourcing takes away the pain of searching for suitable developers. They provide you with the option of hiring capable and skilled developers from countries where resources are cheap. They will be happy to join your team.

Easier staffing and Onboarding

Offshore development teams have a shorter recruitment period. The vendors have easy hiring processes established to make onboarding fast and easy. Get access to top tech talent as required. Working with offshore vendors is extremely easy and you can get all your development needs satisfied. If you are looking for an expert team of developers who are more experienced in the field of technology, no other option is more beneficial than hiring an offshore team. It is one of the smartest ways of boosting your development.

According to a survey conducted by Deloitte globally, more companies are hiring offshore software development teams. On the other hand, they are better than in-house development teams. The reasons mentioned above are a few reasons for hiring offshore development teams.

Read also: Software Development Outsourcing | 14 Tips to Consider

Outsourcing: A simple way to grow your business

Outsourcing is a global business approach that companies are nowadays adopting. This business model is proven to provide benefits to businesses of all levels. This model is proven as an efficient tool to enhance productivity and at the same time reduce operating expenses by leveraging offshore talents and the advice of experts. Choose a leading worldwide service provider in your niche, so that your money and time is saved. Offshore developers give a competitive edge to your company over your competitors.


If you are planning to hire offshore developers, you are on the right track. However, you should keep the things mentioned above in mind while hiring offshore development teams. Such teams have a large pool of skilled and talented developers. They ensure timely fulfilment of goals, seamless communication, scalability, 24*7 support. With this approach, startups can save a considerable amount of time and resources and get their tasks done.



Vikrant Bhalodia

Head of HR & People Ops with 15+ yrs of multi-functional expertise across Sales & Marketing, Consulting, Web Content Mgt., Operations & HRM at @WeblineIndia