Best Artist Website Examples in 2022

artist website examples

Nowadays, artist websites remind one more piece of art. You find a place to view a person’s works and lose track of time enjoying the digital story that brings all those works together.

Here are a couple of the best artist websites that will make you forget about everything and dive into art.

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Banksy artist portfolio (painting)

best artist websites 2022

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We may never find out who hides behind this name, but we can keep up with the latest activity of the genius street artist. As always, Banksy chooses to impress (or maybe even shock a little) with his works.

The homepage features three slides displaying his latest graffiti. Instead of the ordinary names for menu sections, we can see “Inside,” “Outside,” “Q+A,” “Shows” that don’t sound boring and explain what we are going to discover on the next page the best way.

David Lanham artist website design example

artist websites examples

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David Lanham’s page is a fantasy story painted in bright colors, the world inhabited with wonderful creatures. After a short self-introduction — “drawings and other creations” — visitors scroll down to discover the gallery. It consists of plates of different sizes, which create a playful pattern interesting to track and discover. There are links to shop and about page at the top. The latter truly deserves an award. Besides the short “About me” story, you’ll find blog articles, links to other resources, and interviews. Everything is in black & blue (and a bit of red) — a perfect background for the burst of colors we see in the artist’s works.

Camellie freelance illustrator website

best artist websites

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Cami is a freelance illustrator from Portugal, and her website takes a user to one more alternative world.

We meet painted humans in different life situations. The images are also arranged in the plates of different sizes. Although the scrolling seems endless, a user doesn’t get bored, discovering different formats of the artist’s works. Pastel background, thin lettering, and simple navigation make this site a perfect example of minimalistic design.

Lotta Nieminen artist website

art portfolio website examples

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As soon as you figure out how the website works, you will be surprised and even more amazed. Besides scrolling up and down, users can click on the left and right sides to turn the pages like in a book. Each picture is a cover of a project. A click on it takes you to the next page with all the details.

The information page is well-organized and features literally everything you need to know: a short bio, awards, publications, selected clients, and much more.


Rebecca Miller — artist online portfolio example

artist portfolio website examples

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The homepage of this website reminds a cover of the book.

Here you will see the artist’s name, links to other “chapters,” and a headline written in big letters. Black and green color palettes together with interesting lettering and a bright “SHOP” sticker show a different side of the minimalistic design. With a click on the “Portfolio,” you get a chance to discover the clean, minimalist illustrations and humor-themed subjects Rebecca Miller is best known for. “Sketchbook” is one more great idea, which provides an insight into the artistic process.

Tauba Auerbach — really interesting artist website design

best artist portfolio websites

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Most likely, at first, you will not understand what has happened to this website and whether it works at all.

The artist’s name is the only thing featured on the homepage. The lettering reminds an encrypted message or ancient symbols rather than familiar words. With every move of your mouse, these letters change the color. Everything looks absolutely unexpected and even shocking at first. Click on the sign to go to the website, take a minute to adjust to the wording, and discover neatly arranged works, exhibitions, and information about the artist. This website is one of the most extraordinary you will find, and it is probably one of the kind.

Brad Albright — best artist website

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Users find themselves in the world of underground comics inspired by pop culture, the Wild West, and live music crowd experiences. The textured background perfectly fits the atmosphere Brad Albright creates with his illustrations, design, and 3D art. The works are presented as a series of posters. A click on each reveals more details. A newsletter form and links to social networks are placed at the bottom of every page. The navigation is user-friendly and well-designed.

“About” page consists of blocks that are conveniently arranged and structure the information well.

By the way, Weblium discovered cool about me pages. Read more in this article: About Me Page Examples.

Charles Bongers — painting portfolio website

artists website examples

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An impressive portfolio of this Toronto-based artist features custom illustrations, paintings, political satires, branding concepts, family portraits in various techniques, from ink to digital.

The navigation menu at the top of the page hides the links to other pages behind the drawings. Right below it, you can find a gallery showing how some of the works look in media or decor. As you scroll down, you discover the gallery with concept illustrations and paintings. Small images are clickable. There is one more menu at the bottom of the page for a quick return. It duplicates the main menu, just in a simpler style.

Shantell Martin — artist website example

best artist website examples

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This website is a state of art itself — digital art.

The homepage shows a high-res image of the artist lying on the floor after drawing doodles all over it. As you scroll down this black and white background, you can see the words “works,” “news,” “info,” and “shop”. These are the links to other pages. Meanwhile, the doodles are moving. You can play a bit by adjusting the speed and patterns. As you proceed to the next page, you will discover the projects with detailed descriptions and other information about the artist. Besides creating a visually pleasing website, she also filled it with interesting content.

May-Linn Aaslie — best artist website

artist portfolio examples

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May-Linn Aaslie is a Norwegian artist, who specializes in painting and graphic design. You notice the Scandinavian touch from the first second you open the site. Dark colors, sofa, and decorations make you feel welcome and cozy. Although there are many links to other pages, the navigation is user-friendly and neatly-designed. The website is synchronized with the Instagram account so you can see recent photos directly on the homepage.

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