Drive Your Website Traffic Super Fast: 3 Painless Tactics

Once your amazing website is published on the web, you are so very excited to get lots of visitors! However, you’d better hold your horses for a while. Because you won’t be getting your desired audience effortlessly.

You gotta find ways to increase traffic to your website at first. That’s truly essential for your sales and brand awareness.

Good news, here you’ll find our top 3 recommended strategies to increase traffic on the website. They are super effective for Weblium, so they will work for your website too. No worries, they are super easy! Ready to welcome myriads of visitors on your stunning website?

Tactic 1. How to Increase Website Traffic through SEO?

In case you’re still struggling with all those difficult terms that are new for you, SEO stands for search engine optimization. So, what does that mean?

Basically, SEO is all tactics and processes you implement that are aimed at increasing traffic on the website. To put it simply, SEO helps your website become more visible to search engines. As a result, you’ll get a lot of quality website traffic.

Quality website traffic is really important in fact. You aren’t after all users on the web, but those who are your target audience. Which is basically people who can become your clients once they visit your website. Not just those who will increase your website statistics, yet won’t leave a penny on your website. That’s not the audience you’re after.

So, it’s really important to make sure you get quality traffic increase on your website. This means there will be more visitors on your websites who are interested specifically in the products or services that you offer.

In such away, you can promote your brand awareness and, consequently, boost your sales.

What’s cool about SEO is that it serves to increase traffic on your website for free. Besides, it’s a long term strategy. Once you invest some time in its development, it will work for your website for years to come.

Isn’t that a good reason to start following this easy-peasy tactic to increase traffic on your website for free?

Increase Website Traffic through SEO

If you’ve created your website on Weblium, there’s good news for you! All the Weblium based websites are SEO friendly, which means that you don’t really bother about technical stuff like webpage loading speed, SSL certificate, hosting, etc.

Nevertheless, you still have to bear some crucial aspects in mind if you still wonder ‘How can I drive traffic to my website?’

Let’s learn the basics on how to increase website traffic organically. Which means through organic search. This, in turn, means that your website will show up in SERP (Search Engine Results Pages) when people search for products or services that you want to sell them.

Below, we’ll cover the essentials on how to grow website traffic organically that might even increase your website traffic instantly!

For a more detailed and complex approach, make sure to consult our comprehensive SEO guide. You’ll find it extremely helpful if you really want to learn how to increase your website traffic using SEO!

Keyword Research

Don’t be scared of that. We’ll explain it to you in a moment, and you’ll see that keyword research is as easy as ABC! Besides, keyword research is the most effective way to increase traffic on your website.

To begin with, what the hell is meant by keyword research? Depending on your website and its niche, the keyword is the specific word or phrase that people look for in Google or other search engines.

Using the right keywords you can hunt for your target audience. That’s why you need to make sure that your website content has all the keywords your target audience searches for. Evidently, they all have to be relevant to your website niche.

Here’s the keyword research checklist, which is the key to your website traffic increase.

  • Analyze your niche. What services or products do you want to sell? Basically, these are your main keywords so far.
  • Clarify who your competitors are. Simply type in your main keywords in Google and see what pages come at the top. These are your competitors. To succeed, you gotta be better than them.
  • Analyze your rival websites. It’s easy to do in SimilarWeb. Simply enter the URLs to see the number of their visitors as well as top pages. That’s how you discover what kind of content drives traffic to their websites.
  • Use professional tools for your keywords research. We recommend such tools as Ahrefs, Ubersuggest, SEMrush, etc. They are very easy to use. Simply enter your keyword and look for keyword suggestions.
  • Include keywords on your website. Write high-quality 1000–3000-word articles using your keywords. Basically, the more keywords you use, the better. But don’t overdo to avoid any spam issues.


As you might have guessed already, content is what helps you drive traffic to your website. That’s why it’s super important.

In fact, there are different types of content:

  • Text;
  • Images;
  • Videos;
  • Polls;
  • Infographics etc.

Evidently, the most effective type of content to drive more traffic to your website is text. Because that’s where you can include your keywords that increase website traffic organically.

While writing your articles, make sure your content is:

  • Original. Don’t simply copy-paste your competitors’ articles. Create your own. Do in-depth research and offer new insights.
  • Relevant. Don’t simply stuff your article with keywords. Make sure to comprehensively cover your topic using keywords.
  • Viral. Make sure your content is so very interesting and useful that your visitors will want to share on social media.

Meta Tags

Another important advice on how to drive traffic to a website for free is to include meta tags to every single page on your website.

  • Meta Title. That’s your webpage title as it appears in search engines preview under your website address.
    The perfect meta title should include the main keyword that describes what the web page is about, be up to 60 characters, and be clickable so that your target audience visits your webpage.
  • Meta Description. That’s your webpage description as it appears in search engines preview under your meta title.
    Perfect meta description also should include your main keywords, be up to 150 characters, and persuade your target audience that the info they look for is right on your webpage.
Meta Tags for your website

Check out how to add meta tags to any of your webpages on Weblium. Search results preview is basically your webpage snippet on search engines. The page title is where you need to write your meta title. And the description is where you need to type in your meta description.

As you can see, it’s extremely easy on Weblium! And it will surely help you to drive quality traffic to your website!

Tactic 2. How to Increase Website Traffic through Social Media?

Increase Website Traffic through Social Media

While all social media quite differ by their nature, each of them can be your gold mine for high-quality traffic. Below you can find our win-win website traffic increase tips using social media. They explain how to increase your website traffic super fast using the best social media for that.

Spoiler alert. Try to avoid openly promoting your brand.

  • Do include your website link to your social media profiles.
  • Don’t include your website link to every single post to avoid spam issues.

How to Increase Website Traffic through Facebook?

It won’t be a great surprise for you to learn that Facebook is the most popular social network worldwide with over 2.6 billion active users a month. Doesn’t that automatically imply how to drive traffic to your website?

  • Create a page on Facebook related to your website. At best, name it after your website. Make sure to include the link to your website in your Facebook page description.
  • Create fresh and high-quality content related to your niche. The more regular your posts are, the more visitors you will get.
  • Use visually appealing images. They have to meet Facebook size standards and be of high quality.
  • Help Facebook users writing useful comments in other groups and pages related to your niche. That’s how you’ll generate more publicity and build your authority.

These are the golden rules on how to increase website traffic through Facebook. Follow them and get tons of quality traffic.

How to Drive Traffic on Your Website using Twitter?

Twitter is an extremely popular social media with 145 million active users daily. While certainly not all of them are your target audience, there are still quite a lot of people who are into your niche.

The best way to increase website traffic through social media using Twitter is to be helpful. Don’t openly promote your website on Twitter. Simply include the link to your website in bio and post helpful and useful tips related to your niche. That’s it.

The more helpful your tweets are, the more publicity your profile gets. Consequently, the more visitors on your website you’ll get.

How to Drive Traffic from Quora?

Quora is probably the most popular forum in the world with approximately 300 million active users per month. If you still aren’t on Quora, it’s high time to get registered if you want to learn how to increase website traffic using social media!

So, basically, Quora is where people ask and answer all sorts of questions. Just choose the topics that are relevant to your niche and start answering questions related to it.

Just like it works on Twitter, the more useful your answers are, the more publicity you get. Just make sure to read Quora’s policies so that your answers don’t violate it.

Again, the more comprehensive and useful your answers are the more authority you gain. In turn, the more traffic you get to your website.

Tactic 3. How does Blogging Increase Traffic?

Increase Traffic via blogging

It’s not a revelation that Google is thirsty for fresh content. So, if you are looking for the answer on how to get traffic on a new website, here it is. Start a blog. Because the blog is the main source to publish your content and make people read it.

So, if you still wonder ‘How do I increase traffic to my website?’ take a few minutes evaluating the content in your blog.

By the way, do you have a blog on your website?

  • If not, it’s high time you started it.
  • If so, let’s discuss how to generate traffic on the blog.

In fact, a blog is supposed to sell itself. The only way you can ensure that is to cover trendy topics that are relevant to your niche. Make sure you stuff it with all the necessary keywords to let people find your blog post. Basically, it’s as simple as that.


So, how to get more website traffic for free?

  • Make sure your website is SEO friendly.
  • Boost your presence and authority on social media.
  • Start blogging and write useful blog posts.


Does website traffic increase Google ranking?
Unfortunately, no. Direct traffic to your website only increases your website ranking, but it won’t affect your Google ranking. So, the best way to drive organic traffic is to follow the SEO essentials explained in the first tactic.

How to drive traffic from Reddit?
Basically, the same way you drive traffic from Quora.

  • Create your website profile on Reddit.
  • Add the link to your website on the Reddit profile.
  • Find the communities relevant to your niche.
  • Look for the questions your target audience posts there.
  • And do your best to write useful answers.

How to increase website traffic through Google?
The key to your website traffic increase on Google is SEO. Skim through the essentials we’ve listed in this article or check out even more in-depth guides. Follow them as closely as you can, and the results will be truly stunning!

How to increase website traffic without SEO?
Basically, there are two ways to increase your website traffic and sales without SEO.

  • Paid ads.
  • Social media.

Unfortunately, these strategies won’t bring you any long-term results if you completely disregard SEO basics. So, you’d better master them if you really want to drive and constantly increase traffic to your website.

Do work on SEO so that SEO can work for your website. Sounds like a fair deal, huh?

How can I increase my blog traffic?
Here are the main criteria your blog post has to meet if you want to get more traffic:

  • It is useful to your target audience.
  • Covers really topical aspects of your niche.
  • Has in-depth and unique content.
  • Includes relevant keywords.
  • It has cool images.
  • Is shareable.

Originally published on Weblium.



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