PAYWOK Updates and WOK Staving on VELIC

Steve Cho
Published in
3 min readJun 10, 2020

Dear weBloc supporters,

It has been quite a while to finish the PAYWOK decentralization update. As everyone in the crypto world knows, the market situation has been relentlessly changing rapidly while weBloc team has been super patient and never stopped moving forward. Due to various obstacles weBloc has been faced with, weBloc team keeps trying new things to make progress while expanding the ICON’s ecosystem.

As a dApp of ICON, weBloc team has put efforts into developing dApp services and attracting users. In this process, weBloc participated in the Korean government business program (weBloc got an award!) and ICON’s P-Rep program for staying afloat in this crypto winter — and yet, weBloc is still alive and bringing news and updates!

PAYWOK is reward-based advertising dApp working on top of the ICON mainnet. The current — old — version is based on a centralized system to deal with the user data safely in accordance with the AD network. weBloc had to develop a smart contract for the user rewards that will be recorded on the ICON mainnet and it is ready to be released. The new update will be released after dealing with minor bugs and errors in a week.

As the App Store does not support a rewarding application, unfortunately, PAYWOK could have been released with Android version only. In the future, weBloc is planning to launch the Web/ iOS version if possible but at the moment, the usage of this dApp is quite limited to the Korean market — so weBloc needed something more for the global users and longtime weBloc supporters to compensate for the support.

And VELIC is another ICON DAPP ALLIANCE member and a strategic partner of weBloc project — Staving would be a perfect service for the weBloc supporters!

VELIC’s Staving service is already applied to ICX as well. weBloc decided to give the whopping 15% of the annual interest rates for the users who have waiting for a longtime while supporting weBloc. There’s no LOCK UP period on Staving — you deposite WOK tokens on the VELIC’s WOK wallet and apply for WOK Token Staving service using 5,000 VELT token, another IRC-2 based dApp token of ICON. It is an easy but super powerful reward service any weBloc supporter can enjoy.

Please refer to the following page to get to know better about VELIC’s Staving service on WOK token:

weBloc has been making utmost efforts to build a great use-case of ICON’s mainnet while revolutionize the digital advertising industry. We know the dApp services at the current stage is not perfect at all and there’s a huge room for upgrades. However, weBloc neither stops developing nor gives up on the service and project — there are tons of more weBloc will be showing to the weBloc supporters. Please stay with weBloc and get rewards out of the Staving service with your WOK tokens!

Thank you so much for reading this post and supporting weBloc project.

Sincerely, weBloc Team



Steve Cho

ICONFi Growth Lead, Blockchain Enthusiast, Tech-savvy, Communication Expert,Kor-Eng Interpreter & Translator.